Hello everyone- -I currently live in Florence Italy (going to grad school) I have friends coming to visit who want to hike in the Amalfi coast area, Does anyone have a suggestion for a town that we can reach the hiking trails quickly and do lots of day hiking?? We would take the train from Florence probably after the New Year
and want a town base for daily hiking. Thanks for your help Sharon
Sharon, It would help to know which hiking trails you're referring to? I've never hiked that area, but either Positano or Sorrento would probably be good "home bases" for hiking in that area. Happy travels!
If you can, get hold of this excellent and invaluable guide to walking (hiking) in the area. Includes advice on using public transport to reach trail heads. http://www.sunflowerbooks.co.uk/sorrento.htm Edit - the book suggests Sorrento or Amalfi as a base. At that time of year Sorrento will offer the most accom/eating options because after the New Year holiday the area goes into winter hibernation.