Hello, I'm a student who is studying abroad in Spain and since I have a long weekend coming up for all saints day, I decided to go to Rome. But I also want to visit Venice or Florence during my stay. Unfortunately, I just found out that nov 1 Is also a national holiday there... It's a stupid question but i just want to make sure... Will everything be closed that day? Also, about the riots in Rome... A friend who lives there told me that there will be another riot on the 29th... I don't understand-- are they planned way ahead in advance and not a surprise?
Thank you so much in advance!
They are not riots. They are peaceful protests or demonstrations. The one that got violent was because another group infiltrated with the express purpose of causing trouble. The majority of protests or demonstrations in Rome are peaceful and most of the time visitors don't even know they are happening unless they happen to come across the piazza where one is being held. As for November 1rst in Rome, the main site that will be closed is the Vatican museums. The other sites in Rome should be open. The 31rst of October is a Monday when the state run museums are closed. Donna
I was in Rome on All Saints Day. The Vatican Museum was closed but there was a lot going on at the Vatican, inluding the Pope addressing the crowd in the square. As far as I know everything else was open. I think most things, if not everything, will be open in Florence.