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16884 posts

Thanks for this and for being willing to keep the community updated, Frank.
It's going to be interesting to see how this is policed? Seems like there are lots of outstanding questions although I haven't had time to run more than 1 Italian news source (la Rebubblica) through translation so far. That one quotes Conte as saying:

There is no limitation on public transport on the agenda, to ensure
the continuity of the production system and allow people to go to
work," said the premier. It will be possible to "self-certify" to
justify the movements, "but if there was an untruthful
self-certification there would be a crime", he specifies.

Also that bars and restaurants will close at 6pm nationwide.

Posted by
500 posts

How is policed? Nobody has really the experience of policing a whole country, and the only experience was half a country policing Sunday and Monday this week. Trains traveled mostly empty, and at Milano Centrale police was checking who was traveling and why. Most people can pass showing documents explaining why they are traveling, or signing a declaration; names and directions are taken. A couple made into national news by going by car from Parma to Bologna - on Monday this was a forbidden trip - to board an airplane for Madrid to have their holiday. They were stopped on the highway by a police patrol, were sent back to Parma with a police report and will likely face a fine or a possible arrest term. Police cannot of course control everybody but somehow control somebody.

Posted by
46 posts

I just got a message from my friend in Naples; she said everything is shut down (schools, theaters), technically you can go out to eat but must be 1 meter away from each other. So far, the mail is still being delivered, so she's going to write me an actual letter.

Posted by
759 posts

Control is a little bit easier than anticipated. Not to stop someone walking around their block but instances of moving on down the road.

80% will follow the rules (fairly close) and then you have the 20% or so who believe the world is all about them... With light road travel, light train travel, fewer flying....much easier to spot.

And it is not an “Italian” behavior but the woman who snuck out of China to go to France, here in the US a man left quarantine to take his daughter to a school function (now putting the school through a shutdown and cleaning as a result). All about them, thus the rules don’t apply to them..... And so it goes.

Posted by
8588 posts

I wonder which country will be next?

The article says:
Passengers departing on flights will have to justify themselves, as will all those who arrive by plane.

I don't think this means that tourists can enter the country. Perhaps they can leave?