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Posted by
23660 posts

Alitalia has been going out of business for years and still haven't so you are safe for this summer. Second this why they sell trip insurance just to cover unexpected problems.

Posted by
16742 posts

Ditto to what Frank said: the Alitalia "sky is falling" hoopla is nothing new. We've flown them multiple times and while they're not our fave airline, they got us to where we were going.

Frank probably has a better gut feel of what will happen with the latest round of efforts to sort the problems but my guess is that they'll come up with more money, some sort of acceptable restructuring or both. And you bought trip insurance, right?

Posted by
16232 posts

I am not comfortable that Alitalia will survive after the next 6 months of Amministrazione Controllata (a sort of Reorganization procedure similar to the US Chapter 13, where the company reorganizes under the supervision of the bankruptcy court or designated commissioner).

So if your ticket is for the next 6 months, you are ok. Beyond that I don't know.

There could be some airline company crazy enough to buy it, but Lufthansa already said a resounding NO today. Who would want to buy a private company where workers and unions act like they are government employees, like they used to be many years ago? Times have changed and the EU rules do not allow governments to bail out airlines or other private companies. Let it die.

Posted by
16742 posts

Interesting, Roberto.
Maybe it really is time that it's put out of its misery. Heaven knows that's gone on forever?

Posted by
285 posts

My flights next month were booked via KLM but looks like will be Alitalia planes, sounds like I'm in for a good time...

Posted by
1773 posts

Sorry to go into politics, but it may be essential to frame the question. The next Italian general election will be no later than May 23rd, 2018, but former PM Renzi is pressing to have it earlier, either in Autumn 2017 or February 2018. We won't ask the question: why he is pressing to have it earlier when he is expected to come out second? - this would get into a truly political discussion. But the point is that the present government (no more headed by Renzi but largely selected by him) will likely try to keep the company alive through election time, in order not to pay the political price of a dead Alitalia. And it will not be easy as under UE rules a government cannot directly finance a dying airline. After the election time is over, there will not be anymore a political incentive to save the company.

Posted by
490 posts

I always considered my Alitalia flights a " free theater ticket full of drama and suspense" .....only time will tell... :)

Posted by
23660 posts

We actually had a terrific flight on Alitalia a year ago spring. They code share with Delta and we thought we had booked a Delta flight from New York to Rome. When we showed up at the gate surprised to see the Alitalia crew. But great flight, good service, excellent food. The return flight on Delta was not as nice - good but a notch lower.

Posted by
82 posts

As the previous post mentioned, since they code-share with Delta, chances are you are flying Delta over to Europe anyway.

Posted by
16232 posts

Alitalia will end like Swiss Air years ago.

Lufthansa was interested in Alitalia, but they are not going to buy it now. They'll probably buy it for nothing, with half the staff at half the pay, after the bankruptcy when the unions or the politicians will have no power to dictate any conditions.

For years Alitalia Management and Unions acted with the mentality that no matter what, Italian taxpayers will come to the rescue with their tax money. Since 2014 I think Alitalia accumulated losses for over 4 billion of euro.

Posted by
2124 posts

First trip to Italy in 2010 was a real bare-bones job on Alitalia. I had planned, for my first transatlantic flight, to order a couple of vodka tonics and have a nice long nap that hopefully would take up at least half of the eight hours to Rome. When the steward came around and I asked for it, he asked 'red or white?' No vodka. I had to drink some crappy white wine that only gave me a headache, and I never fell asleep. That and the cramped seating put Alitalia on the shelf.

In 2015 it was United to and Lufthansa back. United's just plain terrible, even more cramped seating, but Lufthansa was wonderful and we flew them both ways on our trip last month, even upgrading both times, once to business on the way to Europe and 'Economy Plus' on the way back. Very impressed with them, and hope they don't buy Alitalia!

Posted by
78 posts

Thank you everyone for your responses. I have been to Italy many times but I have never flown Alitalia. Most of these are not very favorable towards the airline and now I am wondering if I did the right thing. I would kind of like to hear from those who have had a positive experience to set my mind at ease. I am flying premium economy if that will make my experience a little bit better than most of these here.

Posted by
3309 posts

Just read in today's news that the Italian government is funding Alitalia for six months to help with any reorganization, sale of assets or liquidation. That should be reassure some. Unfortunately, my tickets are 7 months out! Anticipation 🎶 it's drivin' me cra- a - zy!

Posted by
16232 posts

If your ticket is for the next 6 months you have nothing to worry about.

Occasionally you hear or read about bad Alitalia customer service, although I had no complaints when I have flown them.

But if you think Alitalia has bad customer service, ask that doctor who was dragged out of the plane what he thinks of United's customer service.

Posted by
11613 posts

I haven't flown Alitalia in a couple of years, but at that time, the international flight was horrible (surly to disinterested flight attendants), the domestic flights were great.

Posted by
211 posts

We're used to these stories but this round seems a little more serious. I fly Alitalia pretty regularly, back and forth to Italy a few times a year, either to Milano or Roma. If you can't stretch to business (Magnifica) class, buy a coach ticket and then upgrade to premium economy. It's worth it on Alitalia--bigger, better seats and movie screens, noise-cancelling headphones, more drinks, food with real utensils. The premium economy cabin is small and enclosed, with about 18 seats, tops. Priority check-in, boarding and exit, too.

Posted by
285 posts

First time to Europe, Emirates. Best flight crew, plane, freebies etc... ever. I was in economy.
2nd time to Europe, Norwegian. Great flight, great crew, bare bones amenties, offers etc.. No complaints but obviously budget.
3rd time to Europe, 31 days from now KLM (on Alitalia planes it appears.) Hopeful it's not as bad as peeps are making it out to be.

All the flights were less than $500 round trip for the US, so I can't complain. Hope for the best!

Posted by
16742 posts

Hopeful it's not as bad as peeps are making it out to be.

Our last experience was similar to Jay's: they even ran out of white wine on the first pass through the cabin! It was an older plane with no seat-back screens besides; just the ones overhead on the aisles, which I am not tall enough to see. Some surly attendants too, as per Zoe's experience.

But no matter: we were on our way back to ITALY so they could have put this peep in baggage and I would have been happy as a pig in...well, you know (former Iowa girl here.) And heck, you're paying a LOT less than we did!

The plane coming home was a Delta airbus so much nicer. :O)

Posted by
285 posts

Thanks Kathy! I'm low maintenance, have never needed an attendant and don't drink so my hope is for a screen, long flight without a visual aid. I'll have books at the ready!

Posted by
16232 posts

What do you mean by you fly KLM on Alitalia planes?
What is your route?
The SkyTeam alliance includes AirFrance KLM, Delta, Alitalia.
If you fly via AMS your trip US to AMS will be operated by KLM or Delta
If you fly US directly to Rome FCO will be operated by Alitalia or Delta
If you fly via Paris CDG the segment US to CDG will be operated by AirFrance or Delta.
So the only possibility that your flight is operated by Alitalia is if you fly straight to Rome (or Milan).
If you fly via AMS or CDG it won't be Alitalia. In those cases at most Alitalia operates the intra Europe segment. Who cares about that? It's just a couple of hours.

Posted by
285 posts

Hey Roberto da Firenze!

I was surprised as well, but my flights from NYC to Rome and Rome to Naples (and back in reverse) booked are KLM bookings but the site shows they are "operated by Aliitalia"

Flights to KL2803, KL3478 | return KL3490, KL2793

So who knows, so long as I get to Italy I'll be just fine :)

Posted by
16742 posts

So who knows, so long as I get to Italy I'll be just fine :)

That's the spirit! Think gelato... :O)

Posted by
16232 posts

The flights from JFK to FCO are operated by either Delta or Alitalia.

However you can buy the same ticket from any airlines within the Sky Team alliance. The flights are in code share, therefore they will have several flight numbers for the same flight: KL number for KLM, AF for AirFrance, AZ for Alitalia, DL for Delta. So basically the flight is one, operated by Alitalia, but the flight codes will be 4, one per each company in the alliance.

Posted by
16742 posts

I did find the Delta numbering scheme:
flights 3001-3439 mesaba - XJ

Tom, Mesaba ceased to be in 2012 (I live in a suburb of Minneapolis).

Posted by
11 posts

I need to schedule a domestic flight on Aug 30. Naples to Catania. Was planning to use Alitalia. Should I not book with them and use the only other airline ?