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Does anyone know if Alitalia weighs your carryon and personal item together?
Also, is their lounge worth paying for?

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4 posts

Hi creesepv,

Alitalia directives tell about hand luggage:
- maximum weight: 8 Kg
- Dimension: 550 mm high, 350 mm wide and 250 mm thick.
Also you can bring one of these item: briefcase, Personal computer, women handbag.
Be careful because usually they weigh baggages!

About checked baggage, visit the link below to know fares and maximum weight allowances

Have a nice day

Posted by
208 posts

got the dimensions but will they weight the carry on and personal item together to total 8kg?

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996 posts

We flew Alitalia (within Italy) in November. They did not weigh any carryon luggage for our flights; however, they did make a LOT of people gate check their items just by eyeballing them.

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3303 posts

I’ve flown Alitalia numerous times internationally and domestically. In Florence for a return trip to the US my bag was weighed and was not allowed as a carry on. My bags have also been size checked in that static device you slide luggage in to. I have seen Alitalia refuse over sized bags and I’ve also watched passengers rearranging what was in their overweight carry ons to make weight. The checks seem to be sporadic. On a flight from Catania to Naples last December, the weight limit of the carry on was 8 kg. so I prepaid the bag fee since it would have been double at the gate.

The only time I have had bag and personal item weighed together was by Air France in Miami.

Posted by
208 posts

Was it checked because it was over the limit or just because they felt like it?
I have a carry on under the weight and under the measurements, I should be fine I hope. I also have a personal item that is small enough to fit under the seat.

Posted by
23653 posts

You should ask your own question instead of hijacking someone else question. That way you are notified when someone posts an answer to your question and not a notification to creesepv. The coat doesn't count IF you are wearing it.

Posted by
347 posts

You should be fine if you remain under weight and size. Personal item does not count.

For other the coat you are wearing does not count as part of your 'carry on.' Layer to your heart's content.

Posted by
362 posts

FYI - we saw a TON of people using the overhead bins on Alitalia for their coats. This was after others had been forced to gate check their carryon bags.

Your coat is part of you when you get on the plane. If you plan to stow it in the overhead bin, be prepared that your coat may be underneath someone else's carryon luggage.

Posted by
5697 posts

For fun, take a look at some YouTube videos of people layering pants, shirts, sweaters, coats to bring their baggage weight down (especially for Ryan Air).

Posted by
403 posts

For fun, take a look at some YouTube videos of people layering pants, shirts, sweaters, coats to bring their baggage weight down (especially for Ryan Air).

If the airlines are really concerned about accurate weight, they should have a combined weight limit for a passenger and his/her luggage. Put them on the scale at the same time. That would also give some passengers an incentive to diet before their flights.