Does my Echo Dot (Alexa) work in Italy?
ask Alexa, she has all the answers
Ask her and she will tell you
Aside from the jokes above, wouldn't it be easier to contact Amazon Customer Service? They should know if their product works in foreign countries.
Also, depending on which Echo you may have, newer models may offer better and far-reaching features. It is up to you of course, if you want to lug your Echo.
Are you going on an extended trip past the "usual" two- or three-week vacation? Does your phone or Ipad or Kindle not do similar? -- alarm, music, YT, maps, basic searches, etc.
A quick Google search brought up this (The blog is from earlier this year so "fairly" current.)
I would still call Amazon, tell them your Echo model number to see if it can function in Italy.
I was not joking, isn't that what these things are for. I use Siri on my iPhone and that works abroad easily enough .
Yes it will function. Alexa uses wi-fi in order to operate and will access the required database via that connection. As long as you set it up to use the wi-fi where you're based it doesn't matter where you are in the world, it'll still work.
Edit: I just asked mine if she'd work in Italy and she didn't know the answer.
What? Alexa did not know the answer? Whatever shall we do?
I expect that the operation of Alexa in Italy may be somewhat "erratic". As noted earlier, Alexa requires WiFi to establish a connection to the internet. In my experience, access to WiFi in hotels is just about always controlled by a password, which is sometimes changed daily. In addition to that, I've found that the quality of the WiFi signal tends to vary somewhat between hotels. Some have good high speed access, while others may work if your room is closer to the lobby but have intermittent service if your room is some distance from the Router. Depending on which hotels you'll be using, you may also be paying for daily WiFi access. The more posh hotels usually charge for it, sometimes a lot, while the small "mom & pop" hotels often provide wireless access in the cost of the room.
Can you really not survive for a few weeks on holiday without Alexa? Using a smartphone to check the weather or whatever is usually a quicker and more efficient method.