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Air travel from Rome to Catania - Sicily

We will be taking a one-way flight from Rome to Catania - Sicily. Can anyone recommend the most reliable airline to fly on? We will most probably have to check our luggage.


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8 posts

Thanks for your reply. Are these airlines reliable? Is one better than the others?

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8293 posts

Laura, we used AirOne from Rome to Catania & back a couple of years ago and it was an excellent choice. I think it is now owned by Alitalia, but I may be wrong.

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842 posts

Rome to Catania is such a short jaunt, why are you worrying about a "reliable airline? (Well, OK, I WOULD try to avoid AirItalia, but on this short hop, who cares?)

I usually pick the cheapest one and go. They are all regulated air lines, and all have to abide by the same rules.

We have had good luck with Air One, but are not afraid to try any local regional airline for short hops. If you have a connecting flight to catch, always allow at least three hours.