I'm looking at flights from Vancouver, BC to Rome. Has anyone flown on Air Transat? What was your experience?
Flew with them several times. Good service, seats, direct routes & usually cheaper than Air Canada.
I've flown Air Transat a lot. Really like them.
We have also used them and have had fairly good flights. Flew once from Calgary to London, England. Biggest plane I've ever been on, weirdly. May have been one of those transitional flights as it certainly was huge and empty actually, considering the price. Have also flown to Jamaica with them and the staff were excellent. NB- family flew from Calgary to Dublin a few weeks ago, the flight took them to Toronto, then St. John's, NFLD, before crossing the pond. Always good to check the flight route when the prices are low.!
Thanks for the info! The price was incredibly cheaper - which caused me to wonder.
We did jump in and book our flight to Rome.
I've flown on Air Transat in the past and found the service very good. I believe they've added Premium Economy since my last flight with them, and I'm sure that will be considerably more comfortable.
I'd use them more often, but they only operate about once a week on some routes, and I've never been able to find a flight that fit my timing. I check their schedules every year though.
I wouldn't have any hesitation in flying with them again.
Thanks for the response.
It sounds like a similar airline to Allegiant, which we use on the West Coast. They only fly to certain destinations, and on certain days.
Just used them to London, back from Paris. They were great.