Has anyone recently traveled to Italy on Air One? They fly direct to Milan from Chicago. I am looking at at traveling on Air One this summer.
Has anyone traveled this airline? Any thought greatly appreciated.
Air One is Lufthansa's version of United's Ted.
They are great.
The only problem I had with them is that my flight from Rome to Milan was an hour and a half late leaving Rome so I missed my conection to Frankfurt in Milan. I ended up having to take the next flight to Frankfurt. It was not a problem but I was kind of bummed because I was meeting my hubby who I had not seen in over 8 months.
Other than that, the flight was good, the staff was nice and I would fly them again.
Air One is an italian airline that provides feeder service to Italy for Lufthansa. When I first flew on them 5 or so years ago, they were primiarily domestic. They first expanded their european routes and recently acquired two A-330 planes for international routes. I've flown Air One several times in Italy and have always been pleased with their prices and service. Their website www.flyairone.it has a lot of good backgound information on the airline.
I've only flown them domestically within Italy but much prefer them to Alitalia. They are efficient, courteous and ON TIME. Huge plus. I wouldn't hesitate using them.
My husband and I flew Air One from Frankfurt to Naples. It is a wonderful airline. We didn't have any problems with them.