I am taking my best friend to Italy for 9 days in early October. It is her 60th birthday and she has always wanted to go to Italy. We will be in Rome for 5 nights and then I was hoping to take her to an agritourismo for the last 3-4 nights (we leave early from Rome the last day, so I think we'll spend the last night in a hotel in Rome). Here is my dilemma. I am not thrilled with the idea of renting a car in Italy. I don't speak Italian, I am a nervous driver to begin with and all the stuff I read on here makes me feel that it will be too complicated for me. Is there a way (not exorbitantly expensive) to stay in an agritourismo without renting a car? She is more interested in experiential things (e.g. visiting a winery and doing something there, going on a truffle hunt, seeing how ceramics are made or being able to make it herself, etc vs. looking at churches and ruins). I would welcome ideas for acitivities when staying at an agritourismo, how to do it without a car, specific agritourismos that you recommend and anything you wise folk have to offer. I can shorten our stay in Rome by one day if you feel it is needed. I can not tell you how grateful I am to all of you, you have frequently made a trip for me.