We will be traveling to Tuscany in October and will have a car. Two years ago we travelled the northern part of Tuscany and so this time around we will start in Rome and drive to the Val D'Orcia. We are looking for an old quaint quiet beautiful bed and breakfast, or farm house. Something more upscale. Something not in the middle of crowded town. There will be 4 of us. We plan to base ourselves for 5 nights and do day trips to Orvieto, Assisi,Civet di Bagnoregio, and the whole Val D'Orcia area. I am looking for your recommendations on where to base myself. I am also looking for an adventure besides just looking at old towns and Dumo's. Any suggestions?? Thank you in advance
Look at the area around Cetona. It's very centrally located for what you want to see. Beautiful little town.
We found this Agriturismo to be a delightful place to stay. Rossa is great for the four of you.
We found it first on Booking.com, but it was less on their site so check both.
We had also looked at this property.
Villa Toscana Podere Poggiosecco
It's absolutely beautiful and cooking classes are available.
It was just more than the three of us wanted to spend.
Cetona has an overlook that has fantastic views over the Vald'Orcia, there are also some caves you can visit.
For an adventure go here.
I can absolutly recommend
I was there a year ago.
Great people, a drean agriturismo fo an affordable price.
Reviews are unanimous, and it’s perfectly located, very close to San Quirico d’Orcia, about 1km from a normal road, in the middle of the field. The picture perfect tuscan dream agriturismo
You can try La Foce, right in the Val D'Orcia. It's an estate with an amazing garden and a really interesting history. Quite upscale. https://www.lafoce.com/en/ Google Iris Origo.