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Accommodating a Less-Adventurous Co-Traveler

Odd request for these boards... but while my boyfriend and I enjoy Back Door travel and his 65-y.o.m mom enjoys watching it on TV, she has made clear that she wants "American-style" accommodations and cuisine during our 10 days in Italy this fall (first trip to the country for all of us). She has never traveled outside the U.S. (rarely leaves her N.J. suburb, in fact), and we're concerned that she's going to be so culture-shocked that she won't be able to enjoy the museums and other cultural wonders. We're already working on training her palate with meals at local "authentic" restaurants, not Olive Garden. But does anyone have experience with making Italy a little less, well, Italian, at times? We plan to hit Rome & Pompeii, and perhaps Florence. Recommendations for hotels, restaurants, foods/meals to try, customs, etc. are welcome. (Friends said they got "travel fatigue" on Day 14 and spent it in their hotel room eating McDonald's and watching CNN. What have you done to relieve or prevent it?)

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1901 posts

The food in Italy is fantastic. Buy a menu guide to help you translate. Keep mom away from boar and rabbit meat dishes. Depending on the region, the food is slightly different, but all fantastic. She can eat pizza with no's much better than what we get in the US.

All the pasta dishes are great. If you eat at McDonald's....gee....WHY????

We've had great turkey dishes with fresh veggies. Simple pasta dishes and fantastic gnocchi.

You are worrying for nothing.

As far are American hotels...sorry, this is Europe. Even a Best Western is not an American hotel. This will be a great eye opener for mom...she needs to realize that the best part of Europe IS the culture and the differences. That's why we travel! Have a wonderful time!!!

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769 posts

Gretchen - since you are in NJ - id recommened a few side trips with mom to Little Italy in NY. Get her into some of their shops and the restaurants that have authentic as you can get (vs americanized) if possible. Let her try a bunch of pastas, gnocchi, lasagnas, grilled chicken/fish etc. The walking around will be good too to get here in the mood. Also - go check out a museum or two (im sure you will find one SOMEPLACE in NY!!!) to see what her level of interest and energy for walking around exhibits are. Guess you could call it a test drive for mama! And remember - the itallians LOVE their MaMas! so make sure she knows she will be even more appreciated in a "mama-centric" culture!! Have fun!

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23753 posts

Ellen, I agree the Italy pizza is better (By the way, have your tried Il Vicino in Littleton?) but if she is looking for American style pizza in Italy she will be disappointed. She sounds a little set in her ways. The problem (for them) with Rome and Florence is that they are very Italian and I find Rome can be overwhelming. The smaller towns might work a little better. American style accommondations can be obtained but at a very high price --- 5 star hotels will provide that level of service. I think pacing is equally important for her. We generally do not plan anything for our third or fourth day. This day is always a late breakfast, long lunch, review the guide books, afternoon tea/coffee, edit camera pictures -- in general a min day of relaxing.

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473 posts

I second 2 of Frank's points. First, you won't find American style pizza in Italy. Second, having a few "down" days would probably help. Schedule a day or two where you just relax, catch up on laundry, or read a book. On our first 2 European trips, by the end we were ready to go home. Now, we're trying to figure out how we can safely call in sick to work and get away with it! If Mom wants to eat a few meals at McDonald's it would probably be better for all that you do so. Just make sure that you grab some gelato for dessert. As far as accomodations, other than 5 star hotels, you won't have an "American-style" room. But if you stick with 3-star hotels that you've picked from reputable guidebooks, you'll have fine rooms. Just make sure that you specify that you want a private WC, not one down the hall.

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206 posts

If she only wants "American-style" accommodations and cuisine, why will she be going to Italy? It almost sounds like she doesn't truly want to go. No offense, but would she be more comfortable going on a US or Canadian vacation? Just trying to save you some frustration. :-) Actually, she sounds a bit like my father! :-))

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3551 posts

You are lovely to invite your Mom but she will be bored/stressed or worse. Even if you stay at an american hotel it sounds like she will wish she was at home. Also your trip will be compromised alot. Italy is so wonderful in every aspect but you should not have to force someone to enjoy it, they just won't. It is very expensive also. Why not have a local NJ trip with her and you two enjoy Italy your way.?