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Accademia and Uffizi reservations

I want to make reservations for the Accademia and Uffizi. After clicking on B ticket I am given 3 choices....intero/full at 16.50 Euro,
ridotto/reduced at 10.25 Euro and gratuito/free at 4.00 Euro. I thought tickets were 8 Euro with and additional 4 Euro reservation fee.
I want to order 2 tickets and would pay just a reservation fee for a child. Wonder if anyone has done this recently?

Posted by
16007 posts

Barb, you may be looking at a date when there will be a special exhibit at whichever of the two museums is showing a 16.50 ticket fee. Tickets are always more for those sorts of events, and you pay the extra whether you want to see the exhibit or not.

For instance, this on the b-ticket page for the Accademia:

"In conjunction with the exhibit “Giovanni dal Ponte (1385-1437). Protagonista dell'Umanesimo tardogotico" to be held at the Accademia Gallery from November 22, 2016 to March 12, 2017 full ticket price € 12,50 reduced € 6,25"

If you're trying to buy tickets for this museum for a date before March 12 - when the special exhibit is showing - you'll be paying € 12,50 for the ticket + €4.00 reservation fee = €16.50. Make sense?

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4625 posts

If it's any consolation the special exhibits are worth the extra money.

Posted by
16007 posts

Agreed, Tom. And even without those, the museum is well worth the higher price!