I could most appreciate some help with four of our six travel itinerary days bases in Capestrano, Abruzzo. Our two coastal days are easy and done. Getting around inland is much more challenging. My wife and I are of course facing indirect roads from place to place. I am most familiar with these having visited and driven Italy many times over the years. The dirivng is not an issue. It's avoiding excess time in the car that is of concern.
There are potentially 40 to 50 very interesting villages and areas "around" Capestrano, but to string four sites to visit into hopefully under 150 km (around 200 at most) for a day's drive becomes difficult. I would love to get some suggestions of better sites and villages (I'll do the research once getting the names) to fill those four days inland. (I'm sure many will be on my already collected list, but cutting down to the best options to each day's fitting daily route would be great help.
Grazie tanto!