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A question on getting to the Pisa airport from Siena

We have a flight to Paris from the Pisa Airport on Sunday, July 12 at 9:15 am. We will be driving a rental car, leaving from Il Canto del Sole which I believe is about 30 miles south of Siena.
How early should we safely leave, giving us time to return the rental? A later flight would have been less stressful, but the only other EasyJet flight was later that evening, and we would prefer to arrive in Paris before noon.

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8371 posts

You're basically an hour south of Florence, which is an hour east of Pisa.
I'd say you need to leave at 5:00 am to catch your flight if you're turning the car in at the airport. If you're returning the car in at a city location, you'd have to leave earlier and possibly use a night deposit on the keys.

The Pisa Airport is not that large, so you should be able to get through security promptly early a.m.

Be sure to pack light--1 carry on only.

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48 posts

That's kind of when I thought we should plan on leaving.
I haven't made the car rental arrangements yet, but I was planning on returning it at the airport. My research shows that the AutoEurope rental place isn't open until 8:00 am. Hopefully this won't be cutting it too close.
I haven't researched the train schedule yet-possibly we could get there faster if we returned our car it the Florence train station? This will be my next project!

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16243 posts

Take the highway (RACCORDO) from Siena to Florence. However exit at Poggibonsi Nord, then follow directions to Certaldo > Castelfiorentino > Empoli.
Then look for the SGC (Strada Grande Comunicazione) FI LI PI. It's another divided highway. Follow it to Pisa.
It's a 2 hour drive from Monteroni.
Return the car at the Pisa airport, not Florence. You won't need to go to Florence at all.
AutoEurope is a consolidator (aggregator) it's not a rental company, they are just an intermediary between you and the actual rental company. The rental company is probably Europcar or Hertz (they both tend to have the cheapest prices).

8am arrival at the rental car return is more than sufficient for a 0915 flight.
I would leave at about 5:30am. 2 hours are sufficient to get there, but that will give you extra time for refueling before returning the car and possible traffic snafus.

Posted by
48 posts

As always-much great advice! Boy, would I flounder and waste precious travel time if not for this forum! Thank you so much!