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A place to stay between Rome and Matera

Any ideas for a place to stay outside of Rome? We land in the morning at Leonardo Da Vinci Fiumicino airport, rent a car and then head east to Matera. That’s too long a drive after many hours flying. We need a place about an hour or so outside of Rome to spend the afternoon and evening and then get a fresh start the next morning for Matera. Any suggestions for a nice hotel/resort or quaint little town to spend a night?

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3812 posts

Why not Cassino (1h and 20 mm from FCO according to ViaMichelin)?

Even if you are not interested in WWII it's a nice place where they are used to US tourists.

If you prefer to stop somewhere more distant from Rome you should tell us if you are going to Matera via Potenza (A1, A16 & SS655) or via Benevento (A1 & A2 & SS407)?

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60 posts

Thanks Dario. You ask a good question regarding route. I have not determined that yet. Any suggestions?

Posted by
3812 posts

No idea, check on viamichelin if The latter route is actually faster. There is almost zero traffic on those freeways, but mountains are mountains.

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2157 posts

We stsyed in Cassino on our way back from Matera. We had some fine meals, but particularly enjoyed visiting Monte Cassino which is about 1 1/2 miles from the city. It has an impressive Bennedictine Abbey. Cassino was recommded to us by a young couple ee met in Lecce.

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60 posts

Thank you both for your comments. I will check out the map and Cassino. I will also stay tuned to any other suggestions anyone may have

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1008 posts

I'm looking at something similar for October. We land at Fiumicino in late morning, and I've found an Alitalia flight to Bari at 1:20 PM. Thinking we'll pick up a car in Bari and stay a couple of nights in the Valle d'Itria before heading to Lecce, trying to keep my days in Rome all together at the end of our trip. Just another approach.

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8143 posts

It seems as though you aren't trying to achieve any tourism in those 24 hours, but just rest from the flight. I wonder if you have already seen the two big attractions in Tivoli? Have you considered taking the train to Naples and spending a day wandering around? The month of trip (and heat level, as well as whether the hotel is air-conditioned) may be a factor.

Some World War sights seem over-rated to me, due to lack of physical relics. I don't know about Cassino, but in our case, Viterbo (wrong way ... ) was a fine en-route visit without WW II history objectives.

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60 posts

Right Tim. Just looking for a nice place to relax between Rome and Matera for 1 night. Naples does not fit the bill. But thanks for your thoughts

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701 posts

We arrived in Rome mid morning as well and picked up our rental car. Drove approx 2 hours to Cassino- Edra Palace Hotel just off A1 highway. Very nice hotel and had a great meal there as well. Left for Matera then next day. We love the back roads and took S 372 off of A1 to E 842 to S655. to Matera .All good roads and a lovely drive.
The hotel mentioned the next morning about the historic significance of Cassino as they had some WW11 artifacts in the lobby. I wish i had scheduled another day to see the surroundings.

Posted by
60 posts

Sure sounds like Cassino is the place to go. And now I have a hotel recommendation as well. Thank you!