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a place for lunch and a stroll near Genoa Piazza Principe train station?

On our way from Nice to Monterosso, we have a three-hour layover in Genoa from 11:08am to 1:47pm. Can anyone recommend a nice place for lunch and maybe a stroll afterwards while we're waiting for our train? My Rick Steves Italy book makes no mention of Genoa. If this were the Termini in Rome, there would be lots to do and eat within the Termini itself and the surrounding area. Grazie.

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11338 posts

How about a 20-minute walk to Cavour 21? We had a fine lunch there a couple of years ago. a very local experience thanks to our hotel. The restaurant opens at Noon. (Closed Mondays.) As there can be a wait, getting there and being in line when the doors open may serve you well. Service was quick so I am sure you can be out of there by 13:00 if you are there at opening.

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271 posts

Thanks, Laurel! It sounds perfect and perfectly delicious. Much appreciated!