Hi all, I'm back. As you know, I am planning a trip for my BFF's 60th bday. Currently, I have plans for us to stay at Agriturismo Bagnolo due to references I have seen on the forum and my BFF's desire to stay on a farm. Unfortunately, after contacting the farm, I discover that the "tours" of olive oil and cheese production are on Mondays and Thursdays (we will be there from Friday night to Monday morning). due to this, I suggested to my BFF that we could do a side trip. She doesn't know anything about Italy, I so i mentioned that Florence wasn't too far from there and that Michaelangelo's David was there. She was totally up for it. So, now I am trying to plan a day trip to Florence to include the David and any other ideas anyone can suggest. I went to see when the trains run, but was surprised to see that there aren't any trains from Pienza to Florence. Huh?? I would appreciate your help again. I need to know when we can catch a train so I know what time to book the Accademia. Also, to tour or not to tour?? Anyone know the answer to that question? (I will have a car, but would prefer to use it as little as possible. I would rather relax on a train if possible. Thanks again!!!
I'm back. I think I have the train figured out. I was finally able to pull up a map of the area we are staying in (google kept saying there was no Murlo, Italy - ugh). So now I see that we have to drive to Siena to catch the train to Florence. I found one at 8:18am arriving in Florence (oh, that nightmare ended when it finally occurred to me to type in Firenze instead of Florence - I think I'm getting senile- lol) at 9:50am. The return train is at 8:10pm arriving in Siena at 9:35pm. then there is the 40 minute drive from the train to the farm. That gets us back around 10:15pm. A long day, but we can share the driving. If anyone discovers that I am wrong, please let me know.
Next question: If the train arrives at 9:50am. How long should I allow to get to the Accademia? I don't want to make the ticket time too early, nor do I want to waste time since we will only be there for the day).
On a separate note, when I was in Florence (ooh, sorry. Firenze - lol) years ago, I remember it being touted as the place to buy leather. Is that still true? Any suggestions for shopping?