Any recommendations for places to get gelato in Florence or Venice?
That is one research project that sounds great!
No specific suggestions, but look for the following words on the sign to indicate that they make it themselves - that is always a safer bet: Produzione Propria
Produzione Artigianale
Grom. Grom. Grom. If you see that name anywhere, make a beeline for it. They're a chain of the highest quality gelato in Italy and it's DELICIOUS!! The one in Florence is at Via del Campanile angolo via delle Oche - 50012 And the two in Venice are in Campo San Barnaba and Cannaregio 3844 (Strada Nuova - Ca' d'Oro). Here's their website that includes maps of the locations (links to those on the bottom of the page): Grom gelato There are lots of independent gelato places that make outstanding gelato, but you can always count on Grom. BTW, the brighter the gelato color, the more artificial colors they're using. Grom gelato and good artisan gelato is more muted.
The only teeny problem with Grom, tasty as it as, is that it is SOOO expensive relative to non-chain, non-corporate smaller artigianale producers.
Nigel, my experience was different from yours. By far the most expensive gelato place we came across was a little independent one in Rome that was touted as artisanal. It was way more expensive than Grom and much smaller servings. I recall Grom's prices being very comparable to other independent places. Maybe we'll get a report from someone in Italy right now. Wouldn't that be a great research project to have? "Excuse me, I have to go eat a lot of gelato." :-)
Grom has the best chocolate gelato - hands down! And I've done A LOT of research. But then again, I'm more than willing to be challenged on this and return for more taste tests...
At Grom I combined the dark chocolate with the caramel, HEAVEN!!!