We are going in May and flying into Rome. I was thinking Rome and then taking a train to Florence for a few days as well. We have to end back in Rome for our flight back home.
We get in at 9am on a Wednesday and leave the next week on a Friday at 11am. So roughly 8 days…
I was originally thinking:
Wednesday we just have a half day in Rome until Saturday and then get on a train that morning to go up to Florence from Saturday until Wednesday and then head back to Rome for the last 2 days on Wednesday and Thursday.
However, with a travel day to Florence from Rome and on a Monday when majority of museums and stores are closed I’m not sure how to break up days or how to plan sight seeing accordingly.
We also looked into the Almafi Coast but all the stairs are making me think I’ll be complaining of being tired! Maybe a trip for another time… I’m trying to enjoy the sights and not cram too much in and not enjoy the always on the go. But I also want to see much as possible.
Would love the help on sight seeing and planning things out that won’t kill a bunch of time in our limited schedule.