My PIN number begins with a 0. I was told by my bank that numbers beginning with 0 will not work in Europe. Is this true? Do I need to change my PIN number? Mille Grazie.
My PIN number also starts with zero. I have NEVER had a problem with any ATMs in numerous countries in Europe. It's an old myth.
This one has been around the Mulberry Bush a few times over the years. What Mary said is right. BTW, one of mine also starts with a Zero, I used it in Trier two days ago, successfully - as always.
Myth. Total myth. Your bank should know better.
Thanks, everyone! Saved me a lot of time and hassle.
A commonly repeated urban legend with a very small kernel of truth. In the very early days of ATMs the "0" was reserved for some special functions. It quickly went away but the myth still lives on with uninformed bank employees who must have heard it from their uncle.