Anyone done a home exchange as part of your travels? I'm trying to put together a trip to Italy or Scotland and thinking about trying it. Found a site called which looks pretty good. If you've done a satisfactory home exchange to offset the cost of lodging please let me know. Thanks. Jim
We've done several 3-4 week long exchanges. I highly recommend the agency we've used since 1995 for 11 very wonderful exchanges, It is one of the longest running exchange agencies in the world as it has been in existence for more than 50 years. It really gives us a chance to live in Europe like locals in a different locale each summer.
Yes, we've done it and loved it. We really don't want to travel any other way. We did four exchanges last summer for a total of seven weeks in Europe - paid for four nights the whole summer only on transit days. It was way better than hotels. We got to meet most of our exchange hosts and had a great time with them. We also recommend Used both that one and seemed fine but had a less sophisticated web user interface so I didn't sign up for that one. My parents did two exchanges this summer and also had fabulous experiences. It takes time - it's not like booking a hotel - but is very rewarding. It's especially popular in France. It seems like many Italians list as a way of soliciting rentals. I must have sent 100 emails to Italian ezchange listings and got 50 offers to rent...but did eventually get a fabulous exchange.
Yes, we've done it and loved it. We really don't want to travel any other way. We did four exchanges last summer for a total of seven weeks in Europe - paid for four nights the whole summer only on transit days. It was way better than hotels. We got to meet most of our exchange hosts and had a great time with them. We also recommend Used both that one and seemed fine but had a less sophisticated web user interface so I didn't sign up for that one. My parents did two exchanges this summer and also had fabulous experiences. It takes time - it's not like booking a hotel - but is very rewarding. It's especially popular in France. It seems like many Italians list as a way of soliciting rentals. I must have sent 100 emails to Italian ezchange listings and got 50 offers to rent...but did eventually get a fabulous exchange.
I was in Santa Barbara in early June at Fess Parker's DoubleTree Resort. Enjoyed that and also the area, so I can understand how you can find some who would want to come there. Never been to Calgary but my wife has and loved it. Also a choice exchange location. She went there in the summer and forgot to tell me about the incredible golf course in Banff. Found out about it the following month when it was on the cover of my Golf Mag. I'm living in Dallas for another two years on a job assignment before I retire, but the house we want to exchange is about 30 minutes across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans. We have a car someone can use, but it seems the distance from downtown NO is a problem. We're also 30 minutes from beautiful Gulf beaches. Is there anything you can suggest that might attract people there? Thank you both for your feedback. Jim
I'm assuming you are wondering if Europeans will know about or want to come to your area. I think you'd be surprised at the variety of people would like and know about either of your cities, Dallas or NO, and could imagine themselves vacationing there. Both locations offer lots of sunshine and NO has the bonus of Gulf beaches. Right now there is a particular family in Germany I'd like to contact but they've made it know on their listing that they are specifically interested in Texas... Most home exchangers post a few pictures of their homes and pictures of some of the highlights in their area. Being flexible about where you want to go in Europe can result in an easier time of finding an exchange also. Best of luck if you go for it.
Jim, That is the website that I have used for my three home exchanges; it's my favorite home exchange site! I just renewed my annual subscription. If you send me a private message with your e-mail address, I can send you a 40 day free trial (unless you've already signed up). I just completed my third home exchange in East Sussex, England for two weeks. My first home exchange was in Andalucia, Spain and the second exchange was 15 minutes outside of Paris. All of our home exchanges have been amazing and we had NO problems whatsoever. Note that many families will also exchange their cars, which is another huge savings. The only problem I can report is that I have NEVER been able to find a reliable home exchange in Italy. I have tried for several years; we finally went to Italy for a month this past summer and rented 4 different apartments. Scotland should not be a problem.
I find that the listings I am attracted to listings that have lots of pictures and lots of descriptive text about the area. I put information about local festivals and attractions in my listing. The other important thing is the emails you write inviting exchange partners. Don't use mass emails - write a new one for each listing you're inquiring about, and respond to something they say in their listing. I don't like receiving mass blast emails where it's obvious they sent the same message to everyone in Calgary. Filter your searches on the websites by people who want to go to your area and target those first, then try the "surprise me-I'll go anywhere" listings. Keep a list or spreadsheet of your I quiries so you don't ask the same people more than once (embarrassing!) and yes, I agree there are always people ou there who will exchange with you if you just keep trying. Except maybe in Italy. But you could try Croatia or SE France, then pop over into Italy for day trips. Exchanging is very popular in France, they have ten times the listings of most other countries. Hope that helps. We are big fans of home exchange but it does require lots of communication to make it work.
Jim: Have you had any luck learning more about HomeForExchange that would make you feel comfortable about using them? We are also interested in Italy but it sounds as though others have had a frustrating time finding exchanges. Our hope is to spend Christmas-NewYears in Rome. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
I am pleased to see so many good experiences with home exchanges.
I would love to do an exchange for Santa Barbara, my home town - haven't been back in too long. Funny in the post above someone mentioned Fess Parker, I remember him, as a kid he was just another dad at the school.
I mentioned Fess Parker earlier because I stayed at his Doubletree Resort in SB. I remember his as an actor playing Daniel Boone. You have a beautiful hometown.
Note: it is not the home exchange website that you need to trust, it's the home exchange partner you choose. The website only provides a service, that being the "listings". They do not preview the homes or arrange the exchanges and are in no way liable if there is a problem with the home exchange. The reason I like is because I feel they have the best website. It's extremely well laid out and user friendly and has the best photos & information for each listing. They also have a lot of listings. You can ask a potential home exchange partners for referrals from people they have exchanged with, unless of course it's their first home exchange. Otherwise you just have to get to know them via e-mails and if you sense they are not trustworthy, don't go through with the exchange.
John Thank you for the information about creating a blog. Took the first step and will try it out. Jim