Hi again everyone,
Have seen this addressed before, but frankly did not believe it. Haha to me. Went to Alitalia's website this a.m. Am I reading it correctly? (The conversions are mine):
"You are allowed to carry only one piece of hand luggage onboard which must not exceed the following dimensions (including handles, side pockets and wheels):
Weight: 5 kgs. 11 POUNDS ???!!!
Length: 55 cm 21.6 INCHES
Height: 25 cm 9.8
Depth: 35 cm 13.7
Personal belongings such as briefcases and portable computers are considered to be hand luggage which you can take onboard in addition to the above...."
So I do get the fact that you can have 2 carry-ons: 1 suitcase-ish and one pocket-bookish/computer-ish type of things,but 11 pounds for the main item???
I have ALWAYS done carry-on only, no checked luggage, but this seems impossible to me with these restrictions--esp the weight. I have an ultra-lite wheelie dealie, but when I weighed it today with ONLY my clothes and shoes in it, it weighed 24 lbs. Staying for 2 weeks, planning to do some laundry, so I guess I can take out some stuff.
Have I overpacked? Can carry-on only still be done by you guys?? If you all can do, then by golly I am going to do it too! What do you pack it in if you do carry-on...duffles? And then take a sep. collapsible luggage carrier?
Thanks for any ideas!