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6hrs in Florence

I will have 6 hours on Florence on Good Friday this year... how should I spend my time?

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34584 posts

At Mass? I hear they do good ones in Italy, and how better in Holy Week than in the Duomo?

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3696 posts

I would just wander around, see the exteriors of the sites, enjoy a great lunch, a little shopping and decide if there is enough for you to want to return.

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348 posts

Reservations Accademia for the David The Duomo Mueseum If not crowded the Duomo Gelato Walk both sides of the Arno
Santa Croce

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411 posts

Six hours YIKES. Pick one major thing that you most want to do, then build other things around it. Artviva does a fantastic walking tour of Florence. They have a number of other days tours that might fit your schedule. What time of day are we talking about and how are you arriving/leaving? The Uffizi and lunch would be a possibility. The Accademia to see the David (but only if your prereserve) a trip through San Marco, a nice lunch and a trip though the Central Mercado and or the San Lorenzo Markets. Or Academia, pick up a carryout lunch from the Mercado (Or any small market) take the #12 or #13 bus to Michaelangelo Piaza have lunch overlooking Florence then walk up to San Mineato hop back on the 12 or 13 and go back down town. Or follow one or more of the walking tours in the RS guide and opt fora nice lunch on a sunny piazza (weather permitting. Expect to pay a bit more but a great memory. Are you more of an art and history buff, a foodie or wine lover, architecture???

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11 posts

Accademia and Uffizi both sound good. Which one do you suggest we see? We'll be there from about 11am to 5pm. We're stopping in Florence on our way to spend Easter in Rome. Not to be lame, but I kind of just want to see famous stuff. I really like being able to see in real life all of the things I learned about in school as a kid.

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9393 posts

Personally with 6 hours I'd pre reserve and see David upon arrival. I'd then stroll over to see The Duomo and The Bapistry. Continue the short visit by walking towards the river. Stop and have lunch whenever you see a place that strikes your fancy. Love the Uffizi but given your time frame I suggest you visit the Bargello Museum instead. A former prison it is to sculpture to what the Uffizi offers in paintings. My point is why be inside a majority of your 6 hour visit? The Bargello is smaller allowing you more time to partake the beauty of Florence. From the Bargello continue toward the river, passing the Uffizi enroute. Cross the bridge to your left and follow the signs and enjoy the climb to Piazzale Michelangelo. The view from there is wonderful!!! A short, sweet exploration of a lovely Italian city.