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Villa rental

A small group of ladies (6) at our company are heading to Italy in 2009. We are hoping to rent a villa somewhere centrally located for us to explore Tuscany or the hill towns of northern Italy. Any suggestions on sites to investigate? Also what car rental agencies do you recommend? We will be renting a minivan. Thanks so much!

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9100 posts,,,,

But a few of the many. I'd check out Rick's Graffiti Wall and the Italian Agriturismo link. All the major car rental companies have offices in Chiusi which is where I rented a car last November. Took the train from Rome. Very easy and from getting off the train to getting into the car was took about 20 minutes. Have a wonderful trip.

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567 posts


We are presently in an apartment we found through a Florence company called Pitcher & Flaccomio, whose web site is ironically Our agent is Lori Hetherington, an American who has lived here for 20 years and is wonderful. Her email address is [email protected].

As you will see on the web site, they are quite versatile and I'm sure she can help you find a villa. Tell her Jim in the "Lucy" apartment said to contact her. Caio.


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2 posts

Five us shared a villa near Montepulciano which was arranged for us by Parker Villas. They sent us a huge catalog with pictures and descriptions from which we chose the one that suited our needs. They also arranged for our minivan rental which worked out perfectly. We were there for one week and enjoyed day trips to Pienza, Montalcino, Montepulciano, Montefollonico, Siena, and spectacular Cortona. We had perfect weather in late October and were not troubled by crowds at all. You'll have the time of your life.

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190 posts

Thanks so much for the suggestions. They have really helped. It should be a great trip!!

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6 posts


five of us ladies are going to italy in 2008 and i think i must have looked at every villa site available. we have had great service from:

their selection is limited but lovely and great service so far.

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842 posts


We use for rentals thruout the world, and have been extremely satisfied. Go to their site, search the available rentals in your area, and check the reviews posted by other renters.

Rent your van from the web site before you go. AE is a broker/consolidator that uses only the major rental firms (Herz, Avis, Europecar, etc) Make sure that you also rent a GPS with your auto rental, and you can't get lost!

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206 posts

We used and had a great time. Everything was furnished; we didn't have to buy any kind of supplies and it included a welcoming dinner. Since we arrived on Sat. the frig had everything we'd need for Sun. breakfast, even though we found an open market.