Hello, I am flying to London that will be my second trip as the first trip was in very hassle to see my loved one who is in terminal stage.
Anyway- I am flying to London from US, and planning to explore Europe. Since the Paris/France politically is not doing good I want to avoid them. So I am reaching London on Aug 27 and leaving Sept 5. Thinking to explore Italy, the parts I am thinking to visit Venice, Rome, and Florence. Even If I can skip Florence then it is fine. I am thinking to leave London for Venice Aug 28 by airplane, and then thinking to take EurRail to reach Rome,and then Florence (If the there is not enough days I can probably skip Florence), and take train from Rome to reach Paris, and stay half day, and then come back to London on Sept 3rd as I am flying back to home on Sept 5th. Total of traveling from London to Italy will be 6 1/2 days.
Any recommendation what I should cover in those 5 days, and I am keeping 1 1/2 days for travel.
How's the weather in Venice in late August?
What route I should take to explore Italy?
Or which Part of Europe should I explore for five days?
Total of travelers are 4 together.
Thank you!!!