On May 27,11 we will leave Venice for Zurich. Which is best? Train, plane or rent a car?
Train. It's a 6.5 hour journey with a change in Milan. Check schedules at http://rail.ch.
What do you mean by best? Cheapest? Fastest? Most convenient? Most scenic? Most chance of meeting local people?
Best food? If you tell us what's important to you we can tell you how to achieve it. By the way, most of the above are mutually exclusive...
Penny, I also feel train would be the "best" method, although it's a bit of a lengthy trip. The train I'd probably use departs from Venezia S.L. at 07:50, arriving Zรผrich HB at 14:51 (travel time 7H:01M, reservations compulsory, one change at Milano Centrale). Of course, schedules may change somewhat, so you'll need to verify times just prior to your trip. Cheers!
This may appear twice; if so, I am sorry. I have driven in Austria (Vienna, and Vienna to Salzburg, with a stop in Linz,) and found the driving times to be far less than we were led to believe. Having said that, I did not mean to grossly under estimate driving times. The times I gave were from Mapquest; Google Maps suggests 5 hours, 45 minutes. I do understand about adding time for stops, traffic, etc; I just didn't because that's personal. In our family, we stop every two hours or so for about 20 minutes of stretching, snacking, meals, potty, etc. I traveled with a friend's extended family 2 years ago, and I doubt that my body has recovered yet! It was a 17 hour drive, during which we stopped three times; 2 15-minute potty/fast food break (food eaten in the car) and a 5 hour sleep break. No one could try to predict how the poster would drive, what stops would be made, and how the rush hour traffic is around European City A on that specific day. Geez, Louise, guys, this is a "Helpline," not a "Jump all over the helper" line. I'd still choose a car. I travel to see the country, and I have found that to be the best way.
Like the previous posters, I recommend the train. If you book well in advance (up to 90 days allowed) on the Swiss Rail site, you can get a discount fare. You will need to pay a fee to have the tickets mailed to your home. Renting a car would be very expensive. There is a hefty fee for picking up a car in one country and dropping it off in another.
I, personally, vote for the car. I am trying to put together a car rental where I rent in one country and return in another. I am finding that the rentals, while expensive, are coming out cheaper than Rick's estimates for train travel. That said, there will be 4 of us, and he said once that, for a group our size, renting a car is cheaper than public transportation. I think I would still like the car if I were alone. I like being able to stop and see something when I want, and trains don't always go through the most scenic areas. They go through the areas where it's easiest to lay track! And it's a 5.5 hour drive, as opposed to a 6.5 hour train ride. I'd get a car. But it's possible I haven't traveled as much as some of the other posters.
Rick's estimates for train travel are based on the price of full fare tickets. Advance purchase discount fares can be very reasonable. Four people sharing the cost of a car rental certainly is better than two. That would make paying the international drop-off fee less painful.
" But it's possible I haven't traveled as much as some of the other posters " I don't know how much ( if at all ) you have driven in Europe, but your travel by car times are very optimistic.
Extras on the train: Expensive food on board Seat reservation fees Whatever you spend in Milano Extras in car: Tolls Vignette
Drop fee