It's 501 years since the official papal bull from Leo X that kicked Martin Luther out of the Church was issued -- Leo had been trying to get Luther to calm down for a couple of years already, but he hadn't been trying too hard, because he had bigger political worries locally with the Medici, and he had been using German and Scandinavian revenues and land as favors during an administration that was big on handing out favors.
Leo and his advisors really underestimated just how much Martin Luther's breakaway appealed to northerners - not just because they were looking for excuses to hold on to their things and not let them be used for art and architecture and feasting that benefitted the Italians, but also because in a time when separation of church and state authority was almost nil, the rising powers of mercantile and craft guilds in Europe were a lot more amenable to a worldview that blessed their business-like temperaments.
Leo's tenure as Pope is considered one of those historical turning points where an institution starts heading the wrong direction.
On the bright side, he patronized a lot of our favorite artists, like Raphael, so modern travelers are still enjoying the fruits of his redistributions.