OK, I found some details. The times are what they were three years ago.
Scuola Dalmata di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni in Castello, best Carpaccio including St. George & the dragon, Mon 2:45pm-6pm, Tues-Sat 9:15am-1pm and 2:45pm-6pm, Sun 9:15am-1pm, on Calle dei Furlani. Take binoculars --- the huge paintings are quite high up on the walls.
Church of San Francesco della Vigna, 8am-12:30pm, 3pm-6:30pm daily, in Castello
San Giacomo dell’Orio, Must see ceiling of its church: wooden built with shipbuilder techniques, favorite campo (northern San Polo)
Skip the view from the very crowded Campanile and instead take the #82 vaporetto toward Giudecca and get off at the 1st stop, the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. Ride the elevator to the top of the bell tower --- wonderful views of Venice and the lagoon.
Skip the gondola ride and take a topa boat tour: http://www.vivivenezia.org Almost two hours in a little motor boat on the back canals.