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Train or Bus

We have our flights and accommodations how do we get from place to place...train or bus?
Rome to Sorrento,
Sorrento to Tuscany, (may rent a car in Sorrento to use in Tuscany)
Tuscany to Cinque Terre, (may return car in La Spezia)
Cinque Terre to Venice, and
Venice back to Rome for flight.
Any suggestions?

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113 posts

I did ask at the time about "open jaw" flights and they said there were none available. It may be worth paying for the extra flight Venice to Frankfurt, and not having to get from Venice to Rome. (Obviously that will cost us money also) I wondered about whether they will cancel our Frankfurt/Calgary if we miss the first leg.

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113 posts

Thank you. Don't have the option to fly home from Venice...airmiles flights. We have wondered what would happen if we didn't make our flight Rome to Frankfurt and flew to Frankfurt from Venice, if they would let us on the Frankfurt to Calgary flight?

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32219 posts


Some comments on your transportation questions.....

Rome to Sorrento: take the "regular" train (ie: EuroStar Italia / Alta Velocita) to Naples, and then walk downstairs to the Circumvesuviana (commuter) train station, buy a ticket to Sorrento. Use the reverse method on the return to Rome.

Sorrento to Tuscany: That's a fairly large region. Do you have a specific town in Tuscany in mind? Usual destinations would include Siena and Florence.

Tuscany to Cinque Terre: The answer to that will depend to some extent on which location in Tuscany you choose? You might also consider taking the direct train from Rome to La Spezia (time about 3H:41M) and then go to Tuscany.

Cinque Terre to Venice: fast train will be the quickest and most efficient method. Try to buy your tickets a day or two before you'll be travelling. The trip will probably be via Milano.

Venice to Rome: again, fast train (EuroStar Italia / Alta Velocita) will be quickest and most efficient. Travel time is only about 3 hours.

Happy travels!

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113 posts

Thanks for your help. This is where I have trouble...when you have to switch to a commuter train and I can't find the trip on the Tentitalia site.

When we are in Tuscany, we are staying 1 night in Orvieto and 5 nights in Calenzano (north of Florence)

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32219 posts


You won't find any information on the Circumvesuviana on the Trenitalia website. Check for further details.

Were you planning to travel from Florence to Caleznano by car? I haven't been to Calenzano, but the distance only appears to be about eight miles.


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113 posts

Thank you, I wasn't sure where to get that info Ken.

Yes, we will have a car while we are in Calenzano. Not sure where we will park when in Florence for the day, but hopefully our hotel will give us some ideas.

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32219 posts


Be very careful when driving near Florence to ensure you don't end up in one of the ZTL areas. Each time your car passes through one of the automated Cameras, a €100+ violation notice will be generated!

There's lots of information here on the HelpLine on the topic of ZTL's. Kent posted an excellent Map, however I'd have to search to find it.
