just no ordering the same flavor more than once.
I can appreciate Theresa’s approach to gelato, although I guess I take a slightly different strategy. Limone (lemon) is kind-of my standard by which I rate a gelateria. If their lemon’s exceptional, they get an A+, and I can count on the other varieties to be fantastic, too. I often get limone every time, along with new flavors. Occasionally, fragola (strawberry) is what I pick as the flavor by which to judge. And when chocolate is part of the plan, I go for the absolute darkest chocolate (fondente) available. The thing is, I get 2 or 3 different flavors in cup at a time.
Many places will top your cup (or cone) with whipped cream (panna). That’s not my thing, but a lot of Italians, especially Romans, seem to like it that way. While whipped cream is outstanding in the right situation, I think it takes away from the gelato experience, but that’s me.
Theresa also makes an excellent point about artisanal (artiginale) gelato and sorbetto - stay away from the artificial flavors and colors of the cheap stuff made to appeal to tourists who don’t know better. Pistachio should not be neon green, or green at all, really. Have the teens make a contest out of identifying the places with weirdly brightly-colored frozen stuff, piled high so you can’t miss seeing it. Then actually go for gelato and sorbetto that’s not displayed in an overly high heap, pretty but not neon bright, and everybody’s in for a very special treat. If you can’t decide, they’ll even give you a taste (or two, maybe even three) to help you select just the right flavor(s).