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Overnight train from Paris to Venice

We are planning on taking the over night train from Paris to Venice on Saturday Oct. 31. I found out the Eurotrain doesn't schedule that far in advance. Does anyone have any experience with taking this train? Is there ALWAYS a train available? I want to start booking rooms/rentals/etc but if for some reason there is no over night train that night, it will definitly change my plans. Thanks!

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521 posts

Hi April,

Trains are typically not posted on schedules until three months in advance. I guarantee that this night train will be available three months out (by August 1) so go ahead and build it into your plans.

Not all night train routes are available year-round, but this is perhaps the most popular night train around, so it will always be running.

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32419 posts


As Steven indicated, the schedules are only posted a few months in advance, so there won't be any available yet for October. However, you can get some idea by checking schedules in the near future using the same night of the week as that you'll be travelling on.

For example using an arbitrary date of Saturday 27 June, there's a train departing Paris-Bercy at 20:33, arriving Venezia S.L. at 09:34 (Time 13H:01M, NO changes, reservations compulsory, Couchette or Sleeper fees apply).

There's another train listed on that route departing at the same time that is almost half an hour faster, however that has one change in Vicenza at about 08:26 on Sunday morning. My preference would be the direct train.

Happy travels!