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train travel to cinque terre

RS suggests hen going from venice to CT by train go directly, but that is a 6 to 8 hr trip and 1 to 3 stops.I as thinking of going to florence, spending 1 night and then going on to ct,both legs being 3 hrs ith no changes,any feedback i ould appreciate as you can see the letter before x on my keyboard doesnt function

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28 posts

Swan, that's interesting about the train/plane debate. I'm looking to get from Paris to Italy and the plane is cheaper/shorter. I'm just trying to decide if it is worth the hassle of going way out to Beauvais or at least to Orly.

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59 posts

thanks ken larry and suuan(keyboard) i did not kno the train from florence to cq stopped so often that is hy this forum is so usefull. I am going to go from venice to florence and relax on the ay to CQ, it is orth the effort

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32419 posts


Making an intermediate stop in order to "break up the journey" is a good travel method (and one that I frequently use). If you have the time, spending at least two nights in Florence would be nice (I try to avoid one night stops).

Regarding the duration of that particular trip, using the website I found one train departing Venezia Santa Lucia at 06:36, arriving La Spezia Centrale at 12:19 (Time 5H:43M, only one change at Firenze SMN, compulsory reservation). From La Spezia it's only a short trip to any of the C.T. villages using the local train (frequent departures). Six hours is a reasonable duration for rail travel (at least for me), so perhaps the one night in Florence could be dropped (unless you want to stop there)?

Probably time to look for a new Keyboard!

Happy travels!

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6898 posts

Steve, staying in Florence to break up the trip is just fine. Most routes from Venice to the CT go through Florence anyway. Just note that to get to the CT from Venice, you will have to change trains at least twice. On some runs, there are three changes. From Florence to the CT, you are usually on local Regionale trains. No Eurostars. You will stop at every stop.

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3580 posts

I've broken Paris-CT trips at Nice for one or more nights, and at Ventimiglia for one overnight. I've also taken an all-day trip by train between the two cities. The connection in Milan didn't work once; the Paris-Milan train was late so I missed my Milan-Venice train and ended up taking an alternative route through Verona. This added 2 or 3 hours to the trip and, after traveling all day, I arrived at my Venice hotel after dark (8 or 9 pm). Once I flew RyanAir from Beauvais, leaving my hotel at 6 am for a 10 am flight and arriving at my hotel in Venice in the early afternoon. My preference is to take the train and spend at least one night somewhere along the way.