Looking for advice on taking a trip via bus from east to west. Safety, comfort, rest stops? Etc
I usually take a train everywhere but this time it would alot longer.
I've taken many long bus rides in Europe. The usual procedure is to have a rest break about every 2 hours, though I've seen it stretch to 2-1/2 on occasion. I've found the buses comfortable, but I confess to being short. The long-haul buses in western Europe are generally quite modern, and I wouldn't anticipate safety issues. I make it a practice not to take overnight buses, though, to lessen the likelihood of getting a driver who is insufficiently alert.
There are a few train departures (I checked a weekday) that take less than 4 hours.
Few years ago I did that route by train. It's only slightly longer. There are many different buses between Bari and Naples. Google bus Bari to Naples. I went by bus on different routes in Italy and it was comfortable and safe.
Many thanks for your helpful input.