Hi! I'm planning our first trip to Italy and am floundering!!
We have 7.5 days. We fly into Milan. Then we want to go to Venice, then FLorence, then Siena, then Rome (to see Depeche Mode in concert!)
Questions: We arrive in Milat at 8 a.m. after a 15 hour flight. 1. Should we see Milan then stay overnight there or see a couple sights in Milan then hop on train to Venice and spend the night. I realize we will be walking dead from the flight!
Should we spend one night or two in Venice? Should we spend one night in Florence and one in Siena or both nights in FLorence with only a day trip to Siena?
THen on to Rome. Really need help with deciding to stay in Milan. Note: We are not HUGE art fans, but do enjoy the museums/historic stuff quite nicely, but our main joy is seeing how people live and getting a taste of life there. HELP!!!
Also, we depart to home from Rome.