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Gondola Rides

Are gondola rides offered year round? I found a site that lets you book the ride in advanced, and they are not offered janurary through march.

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864 posts

I suspect gondola rides are not offered, if your information is correct, to the tourist crowd Jan through Mar because it's quite, ah, nippy that time of year and the water is rough. Not very romantic freezing your butt off while suffering from motion sickness.

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6788 posts

I'd have to repsectfully disagree.

Tourism is the lifeblood of Venice, and it's a big business. Although the winter months are definitely the off-season, I would be very surprised if everything was totally shut down for 3 whole months.

On a slightly different but related note, I'd question the entire notion of booking a gondola ride via the internet. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but for a goldola ride, I think you go, look for a gondoleer who isn't busy, pick one you like, haggle over the price, and off you go. While it's a lot more romantic (and expensive) than a taxi ride, the process of obtaining one is pretty similar, and I don't see any benefit of booking this online (no more than I'd book a taxi ride).

Now, I've only been to Venice once, in late March or early April, but the gondola business appeared to be something that was going quite strong, and didn't appear to be the kind of thing that would take 3 months appeared to be a very efficient money-making machine, and I bet there are plenty of guys doing it who would be more than happy to take tourists out year-round.

FWIW, I was totally charmed by the experience. Yes, it was shockingly expensive (I shrugged and then paid it gladly), and it was obviously a bit of a tourist trap experience, but I was glad I did it and will go again next time I'm there.

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3313 posts

While I'm sure there are web-based services for reserving gondola rides, most business isn't done this way. It's likely the service you looked at simply takes the winter off. Gondoliers will still be accepting business at the dock during the winter. Weather permitting.

Posted by
319 posts

I was in Venice yesterday, and there were many gondolas out and about. They had heavy blankets for passangers to keep warm. I really wouldn't book on line. There are gondliere hanging out around the city just waiting to take passer buyer on a ride. Booking in advance is like booking a taxi in downtown NYC. Have a great trip.

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7 posts

Thank you for the advice. I was not planning on booking a gondola ride in advance. I was just concerned that I would not be able to ride in a gondola over my trip to Venice

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11507 posts

I wouldn't book ahead, could be a total waste of money, what if you arrive to a downpour of rain or windy conditions, hardly going on the gondonla then, does this internet service then refund money????

Do as everyone here has suggested, book a gondola ride in person when you arrive. You gain no advantage by doing it ahead, and may be at a disadvantage, losing money or paying more for reservation.

Posted by
466 posts

Do not book ahead. I was in Venice during the winter and yes, there were many gondolas on the canals!!! They do not stop working during the winter months.

Posted by
864 posts

I posted earlier thinking perhaps the weather was to cold etc. Glad to hear this is not the case. That said I still regret we didn't take a gondola ride when we were there a couple of years ago. Trying to save money ya know. Have fun!

Posted by
255 posts

If you can, do the gondola ride. Yes, it is a touch pricey and some people consider it too "touristy", but we took ours just before sunset and finished it just at dark and it was one of the coolest things I have ever done. Saw Venice in a whole new way.

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12313 posts

Gondolas will be out year round, maybe fewer this time of the year because there are less tourists and the weather isn't that great.

Unless you are getting some great deal, I wouldn't book in advance. To have a good ride you need to "interview" your Gondolier. The prices seem to be firm but where he takes you, whether he can sing or has a personality you enjoy will make a difference. Before you buy the ride, make him promise to give you everything you are hoping for. I would start by approaching a group of idle Gondoliers and ask, "Which of you is the best singer?" and go from there.

If you pay ahead, they have no motivation to do anything other than give you the most standard ride with the least experienced/entertaining Gondolier.