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Cell phone rental

I will be in Florence and Venice for 2 weeks. Does anyone know about cell phone rentals in Italy? I only have a prepaid cell phone in the US.

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7737 posts

Search for "cell phone rental" in the window in the upper right of this screen to see lots of previous helpful posts on your question.

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32318 posts


I suspect you'll find that Cell Phone rentals are VERY expensive! If that's the route you want to go, you might also have a look at Cellular Abroad as I believe they also offer rentals.

If your pre-paid Phone is with Verizon, you might check with them as I believe they offer customers a rental option.

Good luck!

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21 posts

Just read your question. Earlier today, I arranged through my cell phone carrier Verizon Wireless to get a global phone loaner at no charge. They ship it to you before you leave. You pay a per minute charge of $0.99 with a monthly fee of $4.99 on top of that (prorated for shorter stays). You return it to them when you get back. Hope this helps. The nice part is that you keep your same phone number and others simply dial it from the states to get in touch with you. I hope it works!
