My wife and I are returning to Italy for our 5 year wedding anniversary. On our honeymoon we travelled to Rome, Florence, Siena, and Venice. We are coming from New York and flying in to Rome in late September.
We would like to go to the Amalfi Coast but my concern is that 2 weeks is too long. Is 2 weeks too long if we are planning on staying in Sorrento as a base (4-5 nights), Capri for 2 nights and Positano (4-5 nights) for the remainder of the time?
Is there another area we should visit instead of the planned extended stays in Sorrento or Positano? Like say 5 nights in Sorrento, 2 in Capri and then a week elsewhere since we can visit Positano while in Sorrento?
My wife and I enjoy eating, drinking, hiking and laying out by the pool or ocean. We don't really have any restrictions and are open to any suggestions.
I also am not sure how to plan the arrival/departure from Rome/Amalfi Coast. Should we start in Sorrento then Capri then Positano? Is there a better way that I am not aware of?
I know I am asking a lot but I remember this group being extremely helpful when I was planning our honeymoon and I know you will provide tons of help! Thank you in advance :)