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19 days on ground in Italy

Dear travelers,
My husband and I are planning a 20 days trip in May starting from lake como; landing in Milan
Can you please offer suggestions for most efficient commute between the below destinations,? I specifically need to know what the best way is to get to Salerno from Siena.
Our trip destinations:
2-3 days lake como/ Lugano (what city/site in Como should we stay if intend to have a day trip to Lugano?)
1-2 days S.Margherita Ligure ​/​ Portofino
1-2 days Cinque Terre
2 days lucca
2 days Siena
3 days AC
3 days in Alberobello Puglia and Taranto
fly back from Rome /stay on day in Rome
A few days designated in between the point of interests in case like to visit unexpected places.

Thank you so much

Posted by
8098 posts

Are you traveling by train?

Look up each of your locations on to see how much time it takes to reach the next location.

I definitely think you are trying to cover way too much territory in your 20 days, without adding even more places to stop.

Posted by
907 posts

I think the word correction system got you, it is Lake Como (not comma). Como has the best connections.

remember that 2 nights in a place is equal to one full day, so what are you doing in Santa Margherita? 1 full day or half day with travel elsewhere?

Do a day trip to 5 Terre from Lucca, rather than packing up and moving from 5 Terre. The fewer moves the better. So, 3 days Lucca (with a day trip or 2, and you can get to Florence from Lucca in about 90 minutes by train), 4 nights, an spend more time in Siena, at least 1 full day and maybe more. There are lots of things to see around there.

You are spending 1/3 for your trip in the south. Is there a reason you are going to Puglia? For the amount of time you have it seems like you have too many destinations in mind unless you have specific reasons. The Amalfi Coast is difficult to negotiate. In your case Salerno looks like the best option.

OK, honestly, too many places and too much moving around to really enjoy Italy. I would bag the south and spend my time in the north. Now if you have seen Tuscany/Umbria/Lombardy ok. Otherwise I think you are short changing yourself. Take the six days you have in the south and spend them in Tuscany/Umbria, with at least 2 more nights in Rome, and certainly be in Rome the night before you depart from there. It is just easier.

Now if you don't like that and have to go south, then drop some things up north, like Portofino (unless you like to look at gazillionaire's yachts) and add the time to the south. 20 days are nice but you will be absolutely surprised at how fast they go by.

Efficient transport. For you, rent a car and drive. Do not drive in the cities and do not drive to 5 Terre or the Amalfi Coast, otherwise it is the best way to get between the points you mention. Salerno to Siena, take a train to Rome and change to Siena. or vice versa. That would be most rapid.

Man, I wished I had 20 days to spend in Italy again. And why not Venice this trip?

Posted by
4105 posts

Way too many locations, you need to cut!!!

Pick one (1) of your first three locations, Como, Varenna makes the most sense to keep. With such a short time in each, as was indicated, you won't remember which was where. This frees up 4 nights.

Here is an itinerary with travel times. Some of which are very long.

Day. 1. Arrive MXP. Travel to Varenna on L.Como. Train. 2:53.

Day. 2 Varenna. Visit and Ferry around lake.

Day. 3 day trip to Lugano. Train 2:16 each way.
If you do decide on this add a day to Varenna.

Day. 4. Varenna-Lucca train. 5:21.

Day 5. Lucca.

Day 6. Lucca-Siena. Train 3:16.

Day 7. Siena. Day trip or wine tour Tuscany.

Day 8. Siena.

Day 9. Siena-Salerno. Train. 5:21.
Travel to Amalfi Coast. (Positano?) Bus 1:30.
You've lost a full day traveling.

Day 10. Amalfi Coast.

Day 11. Amalfi Coast.

Day 12. Amalfi Coast.

Day 13. Amalfi Coast-Salerno bus 1:30
Salerno-Alberobello train/bus 5:49. Another lost day.

Day 14. Alberobello.

Day 15 Alberobello-Taranto. Bus. 1.20.

Day 16. Taranto-Rome. Train 6:31.

Day 17. Rome.

Day. 18. if you added to Varenna.

Day 19. Free day. Add to Lucca or Rome.

Day 20. Travel.

Posted by
795 posts

I would also stay in places longer, even if it doesn’t take that long to get to your next location, that day is pretty much lost, with checking out, getting to the train station, taking the train, taking transport to your next lodging and checking in and settling down takes a while.....I would say go with about 5 strategically placed locations and take day trips if you need to....

Posted by
4152 posts

With only 20 days I suggest no more than 4 bases with a few day trips thrown in. This itinerary will be great if you love riding trains and visiting train stations. 10 locations in 20 days is too much.


Posted by
28769 posts

Santa Margherita is quite near the Cinque Terre, so I wouldn't choose to stay in both places. Changing hotels so often is going to be a real drag.

I agree with the others that there are too many stops planned. I like Puglia a lot, and May should be a good time there (the summer gets miserably hot), but I suspect you're going to be driving across Italy twice to have just two full days and maybe a very few hours in Puglia. You won't have time to go to Matera in neighboring Basilicata, which is a shame.

Posted by
656 posts

I agree with those who say this is too many places. I prefer an absolute minimum of three nights per stop. You need time to truly experience each area. It's hard to prioritize, I know, but do yourself a favor and limit the travel time between stops. Rick has a good article here with tips on planning your itinerary. Italy is wonderful, give it the time it deserves. Good luck!

Posted by
14 posts

Thank you so much for your time offering all these helpful suggestions.
I've been traveling in Europe and had the experience of hoping in and off different regions and places. I travelled to Italy a few times but never been in costal and winery area.
You are all correct that there are too many points of stops in my itinerary . It makes sense to stay longer at a few places. I will modify it and repost it to get your opinion.

Any suggestion if renting a car will be a better choice traveling from Siena to AC?

I'd like to reply to each post separately, but do not know how to. I'm the first time blogger in this forum . Very helpful forum.
Appreciate your all inputs!

Posted by
14 posts

Sorry, another question for the first part of my trip;

If visiting Lugano, is it better off to stay in Como or Varrena in terms of travel time?

Posted by
14 posts

Hello again,
Another thought! I can completely eliminate Alberobello all together. This way I'll gain 5-6 days to add to the other area. Would you do that or cut another region?
Thank you

Posted by
4105 posts

Doing so would make your trip much more enjoyable. 😊 Seeing actual travel times will always make you a believer.

3 N Varenna

Varenna-Lugano train 2:16
1 night.

Lugano-Santa Margherita 31/2 hrs.
3 nights.

Santa Margherita-Lucca train 3:15
Visit Chinque Terre from here.

Lucca-Siena. Rent car. 1:45
3 nights.

Siena- Amalfi Coast. 5:15
4 nights. Drop car in Salerno ferry or bus to village of choice.

Amalfi Coast-Rome. Ferry/bus to Salerno 1:30 Salerno-Rome. Train 1:33 (3:30) total travel time.
2nights Rome.

Posted by
14 posts

Hi dear travelers,
Is it worthwhile to include Lugano in my itinerary considering all the places I am going to see along the lake and the coast?
Thank you