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RAIN-RAIN go away

If I look at forcast, it seems like it will be raining all of June in Italy. Can this be true? :(

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2594 posts

Yes. The wine will make it better!

Posted by
705 posts

Doubt it but it has been quite wet over there. Also depends what part. I was there 2 1/2 weeks in May in Florence, Siena, Assisi and Rome. It rained at least half the time and was overcast pretty much the rest. Did have a couple of fine sunny days. In Rome the rain was intermittent but heavy when it did rain. Really though who would know.

Posted by
2207 posts

Yes - we've had a lot of rain this year! Forecasting the weather here has been very difficult. Today, it's an incredible 54' this morning - where's my coat?

David, late in the week - when you're coming, they are forecasting SUN... but you'll have to keep your fingers crossed!!

Ciao - from COLD, but sunny :-) - Rome this AM,

Posted by
1127 posts

Never trust the online forecasts as they are inaccurate for Italy. When it rains it usually doesn't rain all day. It's still warm and little bit of water won't ruin your day. Keep in mind all those wonderful veggies that Italian dishes are famous for need water to grow!

Posted by
151 posts

Rain in Italy is better than rain at home:) Our favorite day in Venice was the day it rained. The crowds were gone and so was the heat of July. Seattle and Rome are having common weather today. Imagine that!

Posted by
30 posts

Yikes! I don't like that last comment! i live in seattle and it is COLD today! we're leaving monday for venice/tuscany/rome (1 week in each). guess i'd better rethink the packing....

Posted by
2207 posts

Weird weather continues in Rome!! This morning in Rome (6:20 AM) we are FOGGED IN. With a temperature of 56', the visibility is about 150 feet! Again, it is supposed to rain/sprinkle (again) all day today and into tomorrow! Most Italian schools get out for summer break mid to late this week so hopefully GOOD weather will start to kick in!
It has been "cooler" in the past few weeks (By that I mean highs in the lower 70s) which has been pleasant - Now we just need some SUN!


OK - P.S. At 8:30 AM (Rome Time), the fog has burned off and we're heading out under currently sunny skies. Who knows what today will bring? The weather has been very unpredictable as of late. Note, WE ARE ALL carrying umbrellas!

Posted by
15 posts

We are leaving for Rome tomorrow night and I DID repack, especially as in 3 weeks we will be in Chamonix where it also seems colder than usual! Hopefully sunny weather will return in time.
Still weather can't stop our excitement!!

Posted by
347 posts

Can I get some of that Global Warming please!
If its 70's and sun, that would be GREAT.
Less water and more wine.
Rome in the 90's cant be as much fun.
See you soon....

Posted by
2 posts

I will be arriving in Italy this Tuesday the 10th until the 18th. I had planned to stay the first half of my trip in Florence and then the second half in Rome. Because of the weather forescasts I see online I am scrambing last minute to see if I can possibly reverse my trip around and go to Rome first because it looks like Rome will have less chance of rain next week than Florence does.
Does anyone in Rome know if the local forecast is predicting the same thing?

Does anyone know if sightseeing would be more hindered by rain in Florence verses Rome?

Posted by
2207 posts

Sandra - the weather has been so "unusual" here lately I would not try to "alter" my plans as per the estimated weather a week from now. Yesterday started off foggy, then the sun cam out, then clouds moved in, it sprinkled a few minutes, and then the evening was cloudy, a little colder(in the high 50's)... According to the weather forecast, yesterday had a 60% chance of rain - yet we saw only about 10 minutes in central Rome... so it's really been hard to verify any weather forecast.

That said, I would just make clothing plans accordingly and bring an umbrella, rain gear, or whatever works for you. I would not try to "outguess" Mother Nature - or rely on the weather forecasters. Next week it looks like more possibilities of rain, highs in the low to mid 70's with lows in upper 50's and lower 60's. Rain is a possibility as every day has a 30% chance of rain or more.... but again, we really had NO RAIN yesterday despite the forecast.

Good luck and let's hope for sunny skies!

Posted by
2 posts

Ron, Thanks for the advise and information. It's good to know that the actual rain is not as bad as it looks in the forecast. I will be able to get out of my panic mode now. Our family has looked forward to this trip for so long I just don't want to miss anything because of weather. Plus it will cost me over 500 dollars extra to alter my reservations at this point and I have no way of knowing if it will actually do me any good. I will just have to hope for the best and at least I have an opportunity to pack accordingly now before I leave.

Posted by
1317 posts

If it rains when you're in Rome, go to the Pantheon. Watching the water fall through the ceiling and land on the marble floor is a pretty neat experience.

I wouldn't be too concerned about rain unless you're made out of sugar. It never rained very hard, even in December, and a lot of the major sights are indoors (Vatican, Borghese, etc.) A hooded jacket or umbrella will keep you comfortable. If you don't carry an umbrella, the street vendors WILL target you as soon as a drop falls out of the sky, so be aware of that.

Posted by
10 posts

We just returned on June 6th from a 2 week trip in Italy. Yes, we did have some rain off and on like the posts have said but even the days it rained it was not all day. Most times we were able to step inside a museum or church. The benefits were that it was much cooler and the crowds seemed smaller in the outside places. We were in the Forum in Rome during a shower and afterwards as the skies cleared we were able to walk thru almost deserted ruins -it was magnificent. I would recommend a small one person travel umbrella - easy to carry in a back pocket or purse.