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I've been reading about a new techonology offered in some backpacks and daypacks called "exomesh" which consists of a steel mesh inside the bag and straps that prevents thieves from slashing and stealing. I'm sure it makes the bags a bit heavier and definitely makes them more expensive, so I'm wondering if it is worth the investment. Also wondering whether I need radio frequency blocking wallet. And have read that in Southern Italy it is best to purify/filter water before drinking. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I've done a lot of overseas traveling before but previously couldn't afford these travel accessory luxuries. Thanks and happy travels.

Posted by
9109 posts

Use the money you would've spent on a RF blocking wallet, buy some extra gelato instead:) If your an experienced travel you don't really need all these toys.

Posted by
632 posts

shields the contents from electro magnetic pulses...bad things that erase the memory stripe from ATM cards...something as benign as a telephone ring can erase the magnetic stored information (it's happened to my BART tickets before)

Posted by
606 posts

I've never heard of this being a problem, though I know of course a strong magnet can kill your credit card stripe (but they can always enter your card number manually).

Is it a particular problem in some places more than others...some sort of travel hazard?

Posted by
800 posts

Holly - I don't think you need any of the items you've mentioned. Of course, I personally would not carry a daypack anyway but I'm assuming your husband/partner wants one? And the radio frequency blocking wallet sounds like a really useless item.

As for the water - the water safe. There is always the possibility that water from a different area can make some people sick (even in different parts of the states) but generally speaking - Italy, even Southern Italy is NOT a third world country. We were in Italy, including Sicily, this past summer. We always order bottled water at meals because we like the bubbles but I refilled my own plastic water bottle with the tap water from our hotel to take in the car.

Posted by
9109 posts

Radio frequency blocking wallets have nothing to do with the magnetic strip on your credit card. Visa and MC are now issuing a new "contact-less" credit cards (similar to the way London's Oyster Card works)which have special chips that can be read via radio waves; thus you never have to take the card out of your wallet or purse. There are some who are afraid that this data can be stolen by hackers who stand next to someone with some sort of homemade device that reads the data. This is brand new technology and only a few people have these cards (both in Europe and NA), so its not something to worry about

Posted by
23534 posts

Holly, you either have a very active imagination or spending too much time reading the wrong travel sites. Some of what you are asking is urban legend and other is just silly. Learn to handle and wear or not wear your backpacks/day bags properly and you will no problems. Relax there is little worry about.

Posted by
11507 posts

Holly, you sound like a nice person, but, you must know your best defense against theft is free. Common sense and vigilance. No gadgets will protect you if you don't have those two traits.

Anyways sorry for lecture, and to answer your direct question:

No, these items are not worth the investment, especially not that silly wallet thingie.
Water is fine , unless you are talking about rural campgrounds maybe?

Posted by
2023 posts

Water that is not safe for drinking in Italy will have a sign/notice that it is not for drinking. We often fill our water bottles from fountains in Italy.

Posted by
32303 posts

Holly, I have to agree with the others, you probably don´t need the gadgets. Some comments on the points you mentioned....

The "exomesh" technology you mentioned sounds like PacSafe products. It´s not exactly "new" technology, it´s been around for several years. While it will provide better protection for "slashing" attacks, it adds to the weight which is not a desirable feature IMO.

The "radio frequency blocking wallet" you mentioned is likely some enterprising manufacturers answer to the new "smart cards" which use RFID technology. These are becoming more common in Europe, and are now starting to appear in some North American markets. This would only be marginally useful (IMO) if you have a "chip" in your credit cards. RFID is a short range technology, so a potential thief would have to be very close, and the data on the card is encrypted anyway.


Posted by
32303 posts

Part 2....

Regarding the drinking water in the south of Italy, I just spent two weeks or so in Rome and the south (Vieste, Positano, Sorrento, Capri, Napoli), and used the tap water extensively (including refilling my water bottles). Actually, I´m still in Europe (Germany at the moment). I didn´t have any problems at all. Most restaurants will provide bottled water (natural or carbonated) if customers ask for "water", but I suppose it would be possible to get tap water if desired?

If you have an especially sensitive immune system, there´s always the option of bottled water, but I don´t think you´ll have any problems unless you´re in a very "out of the way" location.

Happy travels!

Posted by
486 posts

As to the Exomesh. Sure, the thieves are thwarted but your expensive backpack is ruined. Better to leave the expensive junk home or in the hotel.

Posted by
401 posts

What radio frequency would the wallet be blocking and for what reason?
You are planning on coming to Italy, the eighth most industrialized nation in the world, not the darkest depths of some developing nation emerging from a civil war. The water is fine, and no one is going to run up to you and try to slash your backpack with a knife.
Relax, Italy is a lovely place to visit, to enjoy, to love. Try taking it down a notch or two. May I instead suggest sunscreen and a hat instead?

Posted by
65 posts

I think more to the point: It's unlikely that you'll face a "slash attack". If it were a real concern, I'd say, sure- buy it. But it's not a real concern, just learn how to properly hold your bag so a professional doesn't pick you out as an easy target.

Posted by
21 posts

Oh goodness, you've been reading WAY too many Fox news stories or something. Ok, I just spent the morning at the Duomo Plaza dodging the band of professional beggar woman/pick pockets and the afternoon people watching in front of the Uffizi. I've been here a week and not had the slightest problem with anyone taking anything from my cheap-o $40 combo purse/daypack that I got from Kohls.

Mine has all the zippers so that when it is a backpack, the zippers are towards my back. Also, I can wear it as purse and it has a long enough strap that it fits over my head and tucks under my arm with the zippers tucked up under me.

The only thing I keep in my pocket is some kleenexes for the baby. If they steal those, they deserve what they get. LOL Sticky tissues for sticky fingers.