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weather in September

What weather should we expect in Venice, Florence, CT and Rome the second half of September? Does it make sense to start our trip in Venice mid-September and end in Rome later in September or doesn't it really matter?

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32336 posts

Lyn, weather is always a bit of an uncertain thing. I travelled in all those areas in September 2006 and except for a few days of rain, the weather was great! I don't think it really matters where you start your trip.

Happy travels!

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7737 posts

We had almost the exact same itinerary for the entire month of September a few years ago, if you throw in Naples, Milan and the Lakes. The weather was outstanding (or "ottimo" as the Italians say). Only a few days did it feel a little too warm. I think your idea of starting in Venice and ending in Rome is a very good one. Venice is also a good city in which to recover from the flight.

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166 posts

I did this exact trip in this exact order, except with the inclusion of Siena! I traveled for two weeks, starting the beginning of September. I encountered only two days where there were rain showers - both in Venice (there are stands selling umbrellas everywhere, if you get caught in this). Though I thought seeing Venice all drizzly was another unique and memorable experience!

I don't think it really matters where you start out, and agree with the other post that Venice makes for a good place to recover from jet-lag. I believe I chose to do it in this rotation because I figured Rome would be the hottest, and thus better to encounter later in the season.

The days were otherwise sunny but not sweltering. I found Venice to be quite humid-and took a few days to grow accustomed to. Weather is variable, but I believe it was in the mid to high 70's when I was there. I actually thought the weather was like, perfect, optimal travel time. Have a great vacation!

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1201 posts

We went about the same time last year and the weather was great. Had a thunderstorm in Venice one day but overall sunny and nice. It was actually pleasantly cooler at night for quite a few of the nights. We did not however leave the Veneto.

I would also suggest flying into Venice and then out of Rome. Venice seems an easier play for arrival and more laid back to recover from your trip in. In addition, sometimes departure flight from Venice can be very early if you have to transfer to an overseas flight from somewhere else in Europe. It can be a bit challenging to get to the airport at 5:00 am. If you are doing a direct flight from Venice to the US (US AIR has one) they usually leave at a more reasonable hour like 11:00 or 11:30 am.

check out the flights and times and do what seems to work best for you.

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39 posts

Thanks everyone for your responses. At least now I don't have to worry about the weather. Good advice about starting in Venice. Lyn

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7737 posts

The only drawback I can think of for getting over jetlag in Venice (and this would only be for some people) is that, unlike the big cities, there is nothing to do there in the wee hours except walk around. I, for one, love that about Venice, but I've seen a couple of people on this board be surprised that there is no late nightlife there. (And by late, I mean after midnight or so.)

So if you wake up in the middle of the night, don't expect to find any activities going on.

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12313 posts

I would move from North to South. There are always local variations but generally Venice is cooler than Rome. Being in Venice earlier in September gives you the best chance for great weather (although I've been mid-October and had great weather). Being in Rome later in September makes it less likely it will be too hot.

It can rain anytime so bring a light-weight rain shell.

Posted by
466 posts

The weather at that time will still be quite warm (even hot). It doesn't matter where you start your trip!! Have fun.

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100 posts

Lyn~we too, have the same itinerary! Wahoo! We're flying into Venice the end of September for 4 nights, train to Florence for 2 nights, train to CT for 4 nights and then train to Rome, where we'll fly out of. I was thrilled to hear the responses to your question - sounds like "we'll" have pretty nice weather. Maybe we'll even see each other somewhere and not no it :-)