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choosing a camping stove

For our 2-week camping/rental car trip to Sicily May 2007, we packed an MSR "Pocket-Rocket" backpacking stove, just for that 1st cup'o joe -or green tea- in the morning; to accompany the heavenly Sicilian pastries bought the day before. (My friend Linda and I never had a better vacation than Sicily. Go. Do.)

Alas, no "MSR-type" fuel canisters were to be found the whole trip, even in the largest outdoor stores we found in Messina, Catania, Palermo...

This May, we start in Rome and head northwards.

What fuel types are you camping-types mostly seeing? I'm somewhat familiar with the French CampingGaz products (I have an obsolete model from 30yrs ago), and I'm considering purchasing THAT alternative when we get there.

Also considering the MSR "Whisperlite International," which apparently will burn anything from benzina, to Jet-A, to white gas, to weasel urine. Nearly a week's fruitless research on the net has left me dizzy and head-achy.

Who has blazed this trail already!?

Anyone know of a grande outdoor/sporting goods store in Rome?

(If you're curious, I've received a few helpful but non-definitive replies to this thread on the RS's "General Europe" category)

Grazie Tutti!


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42 posts


My husband and I have a MSR Whisperlite International and love it! We used it in England, Scotland and Ireland last summer. We leave for Italy next Tuesday. Last summer we used white gas. I'm not sure what we'll use this summer, but I'm sure we'll find something in Milan.

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6 posts


Might I suggest that you check with your airline ASAP, before you leave. Our air carrier (Delta) told us in no uncertain terms that only brand new stoves in unopened original containers would be accepted in checked luggage... and "no way" for ANY kind of stove in carry-on.

We got away with a Pocket Rocket last year, but deemed it wise, given the airline's current attitudes, not to jeopardize our backpacks full of camping gear being detained when they spied a stove in it...

Don't mean to be a party-pooper or fear-monger, but the game has changed lately!
