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Other than those mentioned in Rick's 2008 Italy book, does anyone know of laundromats (preferrably full service) in Rome, Venice and Florence?? Will be in Rome and Venice Sat thru Monday and only 2 nights in Florence.

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23547 posts

Laundromat across the street from Hotel Contilia which is two blocks south of the train station from the side door.

Posted by
805 posts

They're everywhere. If you need help, just ask your hotel. I think I saw five or so within a few blocks of our hotel in Rome.

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1127 posts

As stated above, ask your hotel. I remember seeing many laundromats in Rome near Termini and several in Florence. I don't recall any Venice but there has to be a few.

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160 posts


There is one across the way from Hotel Arcadia in Venice. It is in the Cannereggio section of Venice, near the train station.

Posted by
143 posts

I recall one (last October) on Salizzado San Lio not far from Campo Santa Maria Formosa down the street from the Boutique del Gelatio - it was very modern looking inside and I remember checking i tout while I ate my gelato.

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10 posts

I was wondering if any of those mentioned in Rome are full-service, which I am understanding to mean that you drop off your laundry and pay a fee to have it wash, dried and folded. Also, does anyone know roughly how much that might cost? Even if enpensive, it might just be worth it with limited travel time! We will be staying at the hotel selene, near the train station. Thanks, Linda

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2207 posts

Linda - there are full service laundries here but just make sure they meet your time frames. I've never had anything "rushed" and it was comparable to prices in the US... but it took a "few days" and I was in no hurry.I once had the sleeves on a coat shortened, a pocket re-sewed, and the coat dry cleaned for 9 Euros.

To use self service in the neighborhood where we live is 6 Euro for 30 minutes in the dryer and 1.50 Euro to wash a load of clothes... No one has dryers, thus the high price!

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632 posts

All cleaning in Europe is expensive..especially at the hotels. I saw laundromats in Venice (in San Marcos as) in Rome (everywhere) and in Florence (near Santa Maria Novella)...and I have used them when convenient. Expect a small bag of laundry to cost $15 if you do it $20-$30 if they do it and over $100 if the hotel does it.

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7737 posts

Be aware that there are separate charges for washing and drying, at least where we went. (Electricity is extremely expensive in Italy.) Ask them what they do with the clothes when they come out of the dryer. Folding may not be included. The place we used crammed them back into the duffle bag we brought, leading to loads of wrinkles that we had to deal with.

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5 posts

Thanks so much everyone for the great replies. Good idea to use time at laundromat catching up on postcards etc.

Posted by
411 posts

We went to the Ondablu near Termini. I think it was only self service, but we basically made it work into our schedule since it's an internet point and we picked up some fabulous Venetian cheese olives fruit bread and wine from the supermercado a couple of blocks away and made it a laundry, sight seeing planning, postcard and journal writing, email pickup and super cheap and delicious lunch stop.

We chatted with some locals and a lovely American woman living in Rome-- and watched a little bit of Millionaire in Italian which was a hoot.

Approach it as an Italian experience, multitask it and enjoy it.

PS a friend left her stuff at a self service place and it was CLOSED the next day and she ended up leaving her clothes. Another left it at a self service place and it was all jammed into a plastic bag and looked awful.