Will ATMs in Florence, Italy accept the usual magnetic strip credit cards or are the magnetic chip credit cards required?
Do NOT use your credit card at an ATM. The fees are horrendous. Do use DEBIT cards or ATM cards, and the magnetic strip kind are accepted no problem. Where you might have a problem is at some of the ticketing machines such as for train or bus tickets.
It should be stated that MOST ATMs still accept Mag Strip cards, including both Debit cards and Credit Cards. Check with your own credit card for costs associated with use. It is handled as a cash advance, which could mean a service fee plus a percentage of transaction fee, plus usally interest accrues immediately. I have run into ATMs that only accept Chip and Pin, but more commonly it will be ticket machines, gas pumps, and other POS devices that need the chip and pin.
Certainly using a debit (or what most have a debit/credit) that withdraws directly from your checking is the best deal. However many, including me, are limited to $300 or so a day max. I have used one Credit card I have that has a small fee for cash advances that turned out to be the best deal to get a large cash withdrawal (1000 euro I think it was) I needed for an apartment, over getting euro's in the US, Taking a large sum of cash to then convert there, or other methods I looked at. I did avoid most all interest charges by going in and paying the balance on-line the same day it posted. In my case it made sense, but not always.
Here's a more involved explanation of credit versus ATM/debit cards.
The bank cards draw money out of your bank account. It is your money. You pay the foreign transaction fee, if any.
A credit card gives you a cash advance from the ATM. It is the bank's money, you are asking for a loan, and the bank will charge you upwards of 20 per cent interest beginning the second you grab the cash, as well as their transaction fees. Some banks will charge the interest on your entire outstanding balance.
There is a way to beat this system. Pay a large sum of money into your credit account in advance. Then you can withdraw from that surplus with no interest charge, only the transaction fee. But you must keep track of all credit card charges, not just the advance, for the month so that you don't exceed the amount deposited.
Why bother? Use that bank/ATM card, after notifying your bank where you are travelling and when. Withdraw a substantial sum from your bank account, and then pay cash instead of repeating the transaction fees for small purchases.
When you call to tell your bank that you will be in Italy you can also change your ATM limit. My small town bank defaults to $100/day but will bump it up for when I am overseas so I have to make less ATM stops. I think that some ATM's will only allow you to get a certain amount, but I was able to withdraw 300-400 euros per transaction without any problems.
Be careful about "prepaying" into a credit card account. It may be seen as an over payment , and the cc company may send a refund check though the mail, making the funds unavailable until you get home and deposit the check.
I inadvertently paid the wrong credit card on line which had a zero balance. Luckily I noticed before I was late on the card I should have paid. I contacted the bank with the credit balance, and they sent out the check on the statement closing date. Previously on the same card, I returned a purchase and had a credit balance. Once again the check was sent out on the statement closing date.