I purchased a handbag in Italy in September and mailed my completed form from the US when I got back home to the Tax Free Service in the special envelope provided. To date, I haven't received the refund on my credit card. I went on their website over the weekend and sent a message, but have received no reply. Has anyone else had issues getting their VAT refund? I went through all the proper channels by getting my form stamped during customs. Am not sure if these refunds take a long time to process or if there's some other issue. My refund is 50E so I hate to miss out on this. I do have copies of all my forms, but they don't provide any contact information if you have issues. Any advise or suggestions appreciated. Thank you.
They do take awhile. My understanding is that you wait. Either it comes or it doesn't. It might not come because you did one little thing wrong. It might suddenly appear after many months. I doubt anyone will ever reply to an inquiry.
It took just over six months for me to receive my VAT refund. I was sure I was not going to get it after all that time, but I was pleasantly surprised. I hope it works out for you also.