Do you need an International Drivers License to drive in Italy Thanks,
Yes, and it's an Int'l Drivers PERMIT, but you also must have a valid driver's licence from your own country.
You have to go to AAA to get the IDP. The purpose of the IDP is to translate the information from your state drivers license into other languages. You will have to have both with you when driving.
Don't fall for the web sites selling international drivers LICENSES. There is no such thing.
It takes under 20 minutes and under $20 to get an IDP at the nearest AAA. It's faster and cheaper if you have some spare passport type photos to bring with you. Another need is a good GPS. Signage in Italy is the worst anywhere. A GPS will know where you are even when there isn't a single street sign in sight. Signage is equally bad on the Autostradas, your GPS will know which exit when even the best navigator has no idea. Bring a GPS from home that has European maps; a GPS works a lot better when you know how to use it before you try it in Italy.
We just came back from driving around in Sicily. We used Googlemaps on our iPhone (with a charger for cigarette lighter spot)and it was wonderful in telling us where to turn. Sometimes in miles and sometimes in km, but ti would say "at the next roundabout take the second exit". It worked great for us. Don't worry about road names when driving across Sicily; just follow the signs toward town names, And the Autostrada (tolls) has green signs, if you want the fast direct route across the island.
In the towns, keep your window slightly open so you can hear the vespas (scooters) coming around you from both sides and maybe even over