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Weather in October?

Going to Italy first 2 weeks of Oct (16 days)....what is the weather like that time of year? We will be starting in Venice ending in Sorreno....I hope it will be nice (fairly warm). Thanks so much!

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74 posts

This past october, we started out mild in venice (around the 8th) and by the time we worked our way down to Sorrento (around the 20th) it was freezing! Although, the snow on Vesuvius made for some great photographs!

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320 posts

Dar - we were there in early October '07. We we were at Lake Como for two days (comfortable days - cool to chilly nights) Cinque Terre for two days (very comfortable - shorts in the day - light sweater in the evening) Tuscany for a week (extremely pleasant during the day maybe 70 degrees for a high - we ate dinner outside comfortably two evenings - later in the week it was too chilly for that). For the whole trip I never needed anything more than a sweater. I hope this helps. Have Fun.