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Milan Hotel

My daughter is a Fashion Marketing and Merchandising major and we are visiting Milan prior to her study abroad there. The hotel that her school stays at doesn't have any availability so I am looking for recommendations. Around $300/night, probably near the Duomo/shopping triangle.

Any other recommendations are also greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much!

Posted by
5312 posts

Hotel Berna is popular with many on this forum.
It’s conveniently located near Milano Centrale ( Milan’s Central Train Station) and steps from some Metro stations that could easily take you to the Duomo. You can also take a tram to the Duomo.

I stayed at Hotel Garda across the street from the Hotel Berna.

Enjoy your time in Milan!

Edited to add.
You may consider posting on the Italy forum where you’ll get more replies.
You’ve chosen the Italy reviews where one can post to write a review of hotels, restaurants, tours, cooking etc.

Posted by
45 posts

Hotel Spadari al Duomo…ask for lolanda
I stay there this spring…outstanding class act Hotel and people in a perfect location

Posted by
138 posts

Another vote for Hotel Spadari al Domo. We stayed for 2 nights last May and were very pleased. Great location!

Posted by
6636 posts

This doesn't fit your specifications, but I'm adding it anyway, since other people peruse or bookmark these threads when looking for hotels.

When we were in Milan a few years ago, we stayed at the Lancaster, north of the center, near Castello Sforzesco. It's in a very quiet neighborhood, close to parks and tram lines, and has a very helpful staff. The cost at the time was €99 per night, including a good breakfast. The staff went out of their way to help us several times.

Posted by
15133 posts

I'll just add one more....I've stayed twice at Hotel Gran Duca di York which is just a few blocks away from the Duomo and right across the street from the Pinocateca Ambrosiana. I find that hotel very comfortable and the staff is so accommodating and nice.

Posted by
337 posts

I second Pam’s vote for Hotel Gran Duca du York- it’s a short walk from the Duomo and the breakfast is very good. I give 5/5 stars to the staff there- they are lovely and kind and helpful!

Posted by
15133 posts

Thank you Lisa for typing the name of the hotel correctly. I've edited my post. I am not sure why my fingers are out of control when I type the name of this hotel. I always want to make it Grand Duca di Yorka, lol. Yikes.

Posted by
337 posts

Pam, I get it! I can’t even remember how many times I typed the name of the hotel incorrectly Into the internet search engine prior to going!! 🤣
Happy travels! Glad you enjoyed the hotel too!