Any review for the hotel or other recommendations?
The Bauer is a classic and classy Venetian luxury hotel in a great location, close to San Marco (perhaps too close for some people). We have not stayed there; we prefer more modern decor and want a walk-in shower rather than a bathtub. We always book apartments in Venice anyway. But the rooftop terrace looks lovely. And staying there, you would definitely know you are in Venice, with that location right on the bacino.
Have you read the reviews on TripAdvisor?
Most people love it and award 5 stars. One recent reviewer found it a bit out-dated and past it’s prime. And mentioned the small rooms. I assume that is referring to the lowest-price “superior” rooms, at 258 square feet.
In the 1970s, when my father was at the very apex of his career, my parents stayed at the Bauer several times and they loved the very full service atmosphere. I don't remember them ever complaining about it, but we, the kids, were never there with them. We were out of the nest by them but their stories of Venice primed the pump for my love affair with Venice.
I've never stayed there (the breakfast area looks fairly nice) - I stay several price brackets lower.
It might be a very nice place for a special occasion.
Ah! Their rooftop terrace is a wonderful, relaxing place for cocktails and people watching. We whiled away a very pleasant evening admiring the sunset in late August. A highlight of our week in Venice. We were not hotel guests but found the elevator that took us to the terrace.
This is a really gorgeous place, an incredible experience!